
Boot Camp Beating 911 Calls Released

Marting Lee Anderson, 14, Died Shortly After Beating
An Expert Hired By Family Claims Boy Suffocated

CBS4 News/March 21, 2006
By Beatriz Canals

Tallahassee, the 911 calls made by camp officials minutes before the controversial death of a teenage boy in Panama City were released.

Martin Anderson's parents say they are outraged that the medical examiner who ruled the boy died of natural causes is standing by his original conclusion.

They call it part of a cover-up among law enforcement officials in Bay County and they want any criminal trial moved out of that county to ensure fairness.

Anderson died following rough physical treatment with guards on January fifth.

Medical examiner Charles Siebert ruled the 14-year-old boy died from complications of a blood disorder. He's standing by that ruling after observing a second autopsy on the boy last week by another medical examiner in Tampa.

A forensic expert working for Anderson's family believes the second autopsy showed the boy was suffocated by guards.

The family's attorneys say Siebert's finding is an insult.

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