
"Paid Clergy"

December 2000
Written by a former member of over 17 years

Table of Contents


Personal Testimony
A typical week of "Life Together"
What are their beliefs on major Christian doctrine?
Obeying Leaders
The Heavenly Vision
"Good & Evil"
"Paid Clergy"
What is it like for a family?
What is it like for a single person?
Does this group have a name?
What happens to the money?
"Sincere Christians Ensnared"


"Paid Clergy"

George does not believe in a "Paid Clergy." However, he and his 2 sons along with 3 other men are paid quite generously. One son works almost as hard as a denominational assistant pastor, the other does not work at all, and goes months without showing up to a meeting. When he does attend it is because he is scheduled to preach. He does have an excuse--he has bad health. However, he is busy all day pursuing other things, like working on one of 3 classic cars or 3 "other" cars, 6 in total. Every evening he goes on long drives, regardless of the price of gas. In the past he went surfing every day.

There are many more points like this, which serve mainly to make a sharp distinction in the minds of members between the assembly and Mainline Christianity. The teachings, if taken one at a time, are not that bad, but the preponderance of elitist mentality coupled with the intensity of the practice brings them out in sharp relief. The majority of evangelicals that visit George Geftakys' meetings get a clear sense that something is very strange. Most of them are offended before they even set foot in the door, because the doorkeepers will ask them all sorts of questions about their salvation and the seriousness of their commitment to Christ prior to letting them partake of The Lord's Supper. Many of them are refused and consequently do not return. This is done to "guard the testimony," which means that no one who has any sin is allowed to partake. However, in the assemblies, a man is not allowed to examine himself, as 1 Corinthians 11 says, but is examined by the doorkeepers.


Table of Contents


Personal Testimony
A typical week of "Life Together"
What are their beliefs on major Christian doctrine?
Obeying Leaders
The Heavenly Vision
"Good & Evil"
"Paid Clergy"
What is it like for a family?
What is it like for a single person?
Does this group have a name?
What happens to the money?
"Sincere Christians Ensnared"

Copyright © Rick Ross

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