Research by Don Vinzant Edited by F.H. (Buddy) Martin
c/o Granbury Church of Christ c/o Cape Cod Church of Christ
Box 396 493 Race Lane
Granbury, TX 76048 Marstons Mills, MA 02648
Bob Buess, a charismatic pastor from East Texas, wrote in his
book THE PENDULUM SWINGS, (self-published, 1974): "Some pastors
and elders set themselves up as little 'Hitlers' over the flock…Some
even go so far as to demand submission for you. You cannot make
a decision for yourself…It is not as a Chinese writer (evidently,
Buess refers to Watchman Nee - DV), states : 'Blanket obedience
regardless of morals or righteousness, simply for obedience's
sake…" (pp.11-13)
In the book cited above, Buess dealt with several pressing matters
in the charismatic world whereas in his book DISCIPLESHIP PRO
AND CON (also self-published, 1975) he focuses on the discipleship/shepherding
issue. "Being like Jesus is one thing, but to be like your
shepherd may be completely different…A discipleship program
must not make disciples unto men. The modern discipleship program
often does that very thing…In neo-discipleship groups, there
is absolute submission to the shepherd. Everyone is submitted
in a regimented (army type) authoritarian chain of command."
October 10, 1975: An article appeared in CHRISTIANITY TODAY, by
Edward E. Plowman titled, "The Deepening Rift in the Charismatic
Movement" pp.65-66. IN part, Mr. Plowman says: "A dispute
is taking place over issues of authority and discipleship. Powerful
figures in the movement have built up a chain of command linking
many local groups around the country to themselves…the topic
being talked about most at the present time is the authority-discipleship
dispute…Discipleship involves submission to the shepherd
as he points the way - and points out flaws in behavior…The
shepherd-submission concept…Some travel to Ft. Lauderdale…In
the chain of command, the …top-level leaders see themselves
as apostles. Those being discipled must consult with their shepherd
about many personal decisions. In some cases, shepherds forbid
marriages, reject school and vocational plans, demand confession
of secret sins. Mumford says he has not seen the established
churches producing disciples…A frequent criticism is the
aloofness of CGM groups from other charismatic groups in many
October 25, 1975: From the news section of CHRISTIANITY TODAY
we find an article by Edward E. Plowman, entitled, "Whatever
Happened to the Jesus Movement?" pp.46-48. Plowman briefly
reminds the reader of the Jesus Movement as it began in San Francisco,
in the summer of 1967, and then of the early 70s. "One of
the most colorful and effective Jesus-movement groups was the
Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF). It was founded by jack
Sparks and a handful of fellow Campus Crusade for Christ staffers
as a Crusade front in Berkeley in 1969…A clash occurred among
Sparks' house group in August on questions of authority…The
former Crusade staffers with whom Sparks is mow 'mutually committed'
in an 'apostolic band'…The seven see themselves as apostles
or missionaries called to set up and oversee small church groups
patterned after Biblical discipleship…A chain of command
already exists between the groups and the apostle-missionaries."
January, 1976: From ETERNITY magazine (an inter-denominational
magazine) and article, "Top Religious Stories mark '75 As
Pivotal Year." Ranked number nine in the Shepherding/Discipleship
issue… "The charismatic movement's oneness in the Spirit
has been badly strained by a disagreement on the nature and methods
of discipleship training between Bob Mumford of Christian Growth
Ministries, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and a variety of charismatic
VIP's…Mumford is charged with constructing an overly rigid,
denomination-like hierarchy of 'shepherds' whose spiritual authority
over their charges is called a threat to traditional clergy and
hence to the inter-denominational character of the charismatic
movement itself."
April, 1976. Russell T. Hitt, consulting editor for ETERNITY magazine
beginning on page 13 wrote the following: "Are you in submission
to anyone? That's a question increasingly being asked in evangelical
churches and its demands a proper answer…Discipling as these
exponents explain it is the radical process by which a believer
is placed under the headship of a shepherd or elder or 'head'
of a house church and forced to submit to the authority of the
human mentor. While there is some variance in the implementation,
the disciple learns obedience by submission to a properly designated
overseer. It is taught that such a relationship develops Christian
maturity more rapidly than an unstructured life…One of the
most impressive arguments for discipling is enunciated by Robert
E. Coleman, head of the evangelism department at Asbury theological
Seminary, in his book THE MASTER PLAN OF EVANGELISM. In essence
Coleman explains that the Lord Jesus is calling the twelve to
be 'with him during the final three years of His life forms a
pattern for training true disciples.'
August 17, 1976. On this date a position paper was adopted by
the Assemblies of God General Presbytery. A tract was written
based on this paper entitled, "The Discipleship and Submission
Movement." The tract is written in a kind spirit, yet is
firmly against the submission which goes to the extreme. In part
it notes: "Some find the pattern for their new order of discipleship
in the relationship of Jesus with His disciples, forgetting that
this was done within Judaism before Jesus began to build His church.
Instead they should seek guidance for church patterns in the
Acts and Epistles. There variety is evident to meet the need
for every situation…In our impersonal society, people do
need the closer fellowship of smaller groups…ways of meeting
this need can vary to suit the circumstances. But the kind of
division seen in the Corinthian church, based on getting a following
for a human leader, must be avoided…"
THE CHURCH, Plainfield, NJ, Logos International. Pp/74-75, 151-153.
"At the same time as much of the Church is stressing the
servant nature of the Church, charismatic people were seeing the
Lordship of Christ and beginning to stress authority. In more
recent times, some charismatic's have been giving even more emphasis
to what they call 'discipling.' But what is important to notice
is that the New Testament carefully avoids using this kind of
language to describe relationships between believers. Instead
it uses the language of service.. If the language of 'discipling'
is used in place of 'service', it will be a way of replacing anarchy
with tyranny." (pp. 74-75). And again, "the master
disciple relationship is, of course, used frequently to describe
the relationship that Jesus had with other on earth, and, therefore,
can equally describe our relationship to the Lord today. We are
still His disciples, and He is still our master. But it is never
in the New Testament used to describe the relationship with Christians
may have with one another. But it is best not to use the 'discipling'
terminology at all. Not only is it Biblically unsound, but it
also injects into this area an authority factor which is inappropriate…"
Bailey E. Smtih, REAL EVANGELISM, Nashvilel, TN: Bradman Press,
P18. "When one allows someone to shadow his life as his
'spiritual leader' and dominate his thinking, he takes on the
quirks, oddities and idiosyncrasies of his discipler. He becomes
a disciple all right - of Tom, Henry, Bill or Harold, not of Jesus…a
man in one part of the nation who is active in what he calls a
discipling ministry has produced hundreds of his disciples. Even
though many of them have good qualities, they all bear his obvious
theological error."
Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, pp57,58: "In recent
years one of the fastest growing Christian organizations has been
the network of house churches throughout the world…Part of
the strength of this movement has been the practical caring which
members show for one another, not only in the practical affairs
of life, but in spiritual growth and development. But so strong
has been this emphasis on individual caring and what is called
'delegated authority' (held in a chain going through the pastor
to the Lord) that something dangerously akin to authoritarianism
can - and sometimes does - ensue. When you must implicitly obey
your 'cover,' as the one above you in the chain is called, and
obey that person as you would obey the Lord, then something is
seriously amiss…"
April, 1979. Dave Breese wrote "WHY JONESTOWN?" in
the MOODY MONTHLY, April, 1979, pp. 42,43. "It was the deadliest
communion service in history. One by one - children, adults,
elderly - they took the deadly potion. Four hours later 913 lay
dead in the commune at Jonestown, Guyana…The people at Jonestown
were seeking an authority figure, someone who would do their thinking
for them and to whom they could surrender their wills…Only
Jesus Christ deserves disciples…Even many 'discipleship'
programs are suspiciously cultic. Jesus Christ is the only one
who has earned the right to be the object of our faith."
September, 1979. David L. Waterman wrote "The Care and Feeding
of Growing Christians," ETERNITY, Sept. 1979. Pp.17-22.
"Christians seem to be sprouting some new terms - phrases
like 'personal headship,' 'one-on-one,' 'the multiplication process,'
'discipling relationship'…What's going on? Afoot in many
different evangelical groups…Is a quiet, but persistently
growing, revolution in interpersonal relationships called 'discipleship.'
The terminology is quite precise really. You are either a 'discipler'
or a 'disciplee,' depending on your 'age' and maturity in Christ
and where you stand in relationship to someone else…Where
does all this talk about 'spiritual' parenthood and reproduction
come from anyway? Well, you can credit the late Dawson E. Trotman,
founder of the Navigators, for most of it, at least in out generation…What
most people mean by discipleship today is nothing more than the
post-war concept of 'follow-up' in new wineskens…In a classic
little booklet right to this point, BORN TO REPRODUCE, Trotman
comments, 'The first order even given to man was the he be "fruitful
and multiply"'…"
George Bryson in THE WORD FOR TODAY - SPECIAL EDITION 2, "Excuse
for Abuse: An Examination of Heavy-handed Authority Doctrines."
Pp.1-7 quotes in the introduction a leading advocate of heavy-handed
TO, AND NEVER ASK WHY."…In submission…right and
wrong are apparently no longer determined by the merits of the
act…obedience to the one in authority, regardless of the
request or consideration, is of prime importance…Under this
false definition of 'authority,' right in determined solely by
obedience or submission to that authority or its representative…The
notion that we're responsible only to our 'superiors'…and
that they will somehow have to answer to God for us, is totally
foreign to Scripture. (pp. 1,3,5).
Lawrence O. Richards and Gib Martin. A THEOLOGY OF PERSONAL MINISTRY:
Pp. 222-223. "In the New Testament portrait, discipleship
is not to an individual but to Christ Himself….Without
downplaying the importance of the believer who invests his life
discipling others, we can definitely say that the New Testament
knows no such thing as 'Paul's disciples' or 'Cephas disciples'…Making
disciples is not a one-on-one process, but rather a group process
in which each participant contributes to the growth in commitment
to the others…At this point, many want a clearly outlined
'discipleship program'…A universalized 'discipleship program'
simply will not work.
Downers Grove, Ill. InterVarsity Press., pp. 83,85. "in
the last few years, both charismatic and evangelical churches
have been split over the 'shepherding controversy.' In it's
extreme, it is extortion and domination of the worst variety…What
is true of Lord Acton's phrase in politics is also true in religion,
'All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'…Contrary
to what we would like to believe, elders, pastors and deacons
are not in a chain of command, a hierarchical pyramid, which puts
them under Christ and over the church. The leaders of a Biblical
church are simply members of the body of Christ."
Bill Hamon wrote THE ETERNAL CHURCH. Phoenix, AZ; Christian International
Publishers, pp. 286-287. (Hamon's book is a sort of church history
from the charismatic perspective. In the section quoted, he refers
to the charismatic movement during the 1970s -DV) "…when
the pendulum of truth swings, some are pushed into extremes.
Some taught and developed a Christian leadership pyramid, chain-of-command.
The pastor became almost a papal leader to those under him…All
decisions had to be made by leadership, even daily and personal
activities of members…Some disbanded the weekly meeting of
a large congregation, breaking up into small house meeting cell
DOING TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, was published by Thomas More Press.
P. 27. Hitchcock speaks of occurrences within the Roman Catholic
charismatic movement. "There have been problems in the charismatic
movement in that it tended to set up what may seem like parallel
church structures - prayer groups or communities which substitute
for parishes, community officials who seem to exercise definite
authority over members in a way analogous to the superiors of
religious orders…It is an authority which is not answerable
to or verifiable by established ecclesiastical authorities."
Margaret Paloma. THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT, Boston, MA: Twanyne
Publishers, pp. 235-236. (Paloma treats largely the situation
among Roman Catholics charismatics) "Discipleship refers
tot he practice of making oneself personally responsible and accountable
to another believer for all 'life decisions.' Such decisions
may range from figuring a daily time schedule or financial budget
to appropriate use of possessions…Discipleship is usually
highly structured…"
Franfurt, Germany: Lang, 1982, pp.99ff. This is Thurman's M.A.
thesis at the University of Birmingham, England. She writes of
the house church movement in Great Britain: "A mark of the
Harvestime Churches is the emphasis on shepherding which could,
and in some places, has given rise to a patriarchal attitude…already
there are churches where young couples have to seek the permission
of the Elders before they become engaged…That the members
are conditioned to obey is very obvious from for instance the
prompt response when an appeal for money is made…it is hard
to escape the conclusion that such a movement is very good for
those at the top of the pyramid, as it were, the Apostles…Every
personal wish has to be submitted before the Elders for approval
before it can be acted upon…"
Wheaton, Ill.: Harold Shaw Publishers, pp.45ff. "Why,
then, do many churches view the whole concept of shepherding with
suspicion and dismay? There are some obvious pitfals to be avoided.
First, serious discipling is often legalistic and authoritarian…Second,
shepherding can develop into a new priesthood…Third, dominant
shepherding inevitably becomes disisive…"
OF CHURCH AND KINGDOM, Downers Grove, Ill; InterVarsity Press,
pp.250ff. "The chain of command concept which has gained
a certain popularity in some sectors of evangelism and fundamentalism…is
applied to relationships both in the church and in the family
on the theory that every Christian stands in a chain of command
in which he or she is under the authority of 'covering' protection
of another Christian…Actually, Scripture teaches nothing
about a chain of command. Neither the terminology nor the concept
is Biblical…Both the chain-of-command theory and the idea
of 'covering'…go beyond the Scripture and can lead to presumption
and fatalism."
AND FOLLOWING. Downers Grove, Ill. InterVarsity Press, pp.39-57.
"Covering is taught by Watchman Nee…he teaches that
whenever Christians disagree with their leaders, the ipso facto
disagree with God…if somebody…in authority…tells
you…you aredoing something wrong, if you can see nothing
in your life…sinful, even after prayer and confession…if
examination finds nothing contrary to the Word of God, you must
be prepared to submit…"
November, 1985. Gordon MacDonald wrote "Disciple Abuse"
in DISCIPLESHIP JOURNAL, Issue 30; pp.24ff. "There has been
considerable abuse in the ministry of discipling when the one
in spiritual directorship has attempted to try single-handedly
and exclusively control the 'world' of the disciple…the disciple
may not be permitted to engage in interpersonal relationships
without the leader's approval; he is not to discern the will or
purposes of God without consultation; there is no freedom to make
decisions without fear of being berated or rebuked; the use of
one's time is carefully controlled and critiqued."
October, 1986. Ronald M. Enroth wrote "Churches on the Fringe"
in ETERNITY, October, 1986, pp.17-22: "They promote isolationist
attitudes, exhibit a sense of spiritual superiority, and scrutinize
members who want to leave their groups. Some former members feel
victimized, confused and bitter…Fringe churches distance
themselves from other Christians by regulating dating, marriages,
and other forms of social interaction…Members of fringe churches
soon discover that expressing dissent is futile if not dangerous
to their spiritual and emotional well-being. Their sincere concerns
and questions are cited as evidence of a 'critical spirit' or
a 'spirit of disobedience'…"
December, 1986: In researching the material on shepherding and
discipling groups Don Vinzant was referred to the group known
as Marantha Ministries, headquartered in Gainesville, Fl by Jamie
Buckingham of Melborne, Fl. Mr. Vinzant attempted to speak with
Bob Weiner, the head of Marantha Ministries, but was only able
to speak with an assistant, Bob Nolte. During that conversation,
Mr. Nolte told Mr. Vinzant, "What you are experiencing in
the Church of Christ is what the charismatic movement vomited