
Fight goes on against cults

The Mercury/April 23, 2004
By Michelle Paine

A Hobart alderman says he will continue his fight against cults, despite a court appearance yesterday.

Salsa Headrock Junior had taken an interim restraint order against Hobart City Council alderman Ron Christie.

The court heard the former Tasmanian nurse, who now lives in New South Wales, had had a relationship with Ald Christie after he was a patient at a Hobart private hospital.

Since the relationship ended Ald Christie has campaigned against an alleged cult called Infinity Forms of Yellow Remember, later known as Hermes Far Eastern Shining.

Graeme Lynch, Ms Junior's lawyer, said his client had used the products of the group but was not a member of it.

The court was told letters warning of cults and distributed by Ald Christie had referred to Ms Junior.

Ald Christie accepted an order not to publish material that linked Ms Junior to the two groups.

Mr Lynch said his client, while having used the products of the group referred to, was not a member or director of the company.

"My submission and instructions are that Ms Junior is in no way a member, a shareholder, officer or director in the party referred to," Mr Lynch said.

"Just a private individual who consumes some products for her own use ... she has no direct tie except being a consumer."

He said a letter referring to her could affect her employment and have an impact on one of her children, who lived in the area, as well as friends.

John White, acting for Ald Christie, said there was no basis for the interim order continuing and that the letters were written in the public interest.

A NSW Court had ordered the group not to trade in products claiming they assisted in post-operative recovery or obviated the need for treatment, Mr White told the court.

The Health Complaints Commissioner has also investigated the group.

A 12-month consent order was made.

At the end of the case, Mr White told Magistrate Ian Matterson that his client, while consenting to the order, would continue his campaign.

"He will still continue in his public duty in relation to the cult," Mr White said.

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