Declaration of Garry Scarff
Entered in Grays Harbor Court Record/September 20, 1993
Note: Jason Scott acknowledged Scientologists he knew under oath for the Court record. (Find Jason Scott's Sworn testimony under 'Jason Scott trial')
I, Garry L. Scarff, declare as follows:
- All the facts contained within this Declaration are within my personal knowledge and if called to testify - thereto, I could and would be competently able to do so.
- I personally acted as an agent for the Church of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs in covert and overt operations directed against the Cult Awareness Networkfor a number of years while a longtime member of the Church of Scientology.
[Note: WARNING! The Cult Awareness Network (CAN) was recently bankrupted and bought up by Scientology. We strongly recommend you do not contact them for assistance.]
- Several of these operations were coordinated under the guise of a Scientology-funded front group called the Friends of Freedom network, which promotes itself as a national, interfaith coalition of pastors and laymen fighting got religious freedom and preserving the First Amendment's right to religious practices.
- The so-called director of the Friends of Freedom is Rev. George Robertson, a pastor of a Maryland-based cult group who maintains the organization is overseen by a Board of Directors, which in fact, do not exist, and an Advisory Committee.
- In fact, Rev. George Robertson, who refuses to identify his credentials as a minister, seminary professor and holder of a Ph.D., whereby some associates refer to him as Dr. Robertson, said Robertson coordinates his activities with officials of the Church of Scientology and Eugene Ingram, the long-time private investigator for Bowles & Moxon, the in-house law firm for the Church of Scientology, International.
- As an agent for the Church of Scientology, I first met Jason Scott, a 19-year-old member of the United Pentecostal Church in November 1991, at the Oklahoma City site of the annual conference of the National Cult Awareness Network Conference (CAN). The role myself, the other Scientology officials present, George Robertson, and Jason Scott, at this site was to take overt opportunities to disrupt this conference a s part of the Church of Scientology's longtime scheme to destroy the Cult Awareness organization.
- My superior, David Butterworth, Director of the National Office of Special Affairs, based in Los Angeles, advised me, at that time, that the Church was paying to fly Jason Scott in to Oklahoma City from Sacramento, California, where he was attending a United Pentecostal Church camp. Butterworth advised me that Jason Scott's personal agenda at the Conference, which Jason had agreed to prior to flying to Oklahoma City, was to confront and ridicule exit-counselor Rick Ross, who earlier in the year had attempted to deprogram him from the United Pentecostal Church.
- Butterworth advised me that Rick Ross had successfully deprogrammed Jason Scott's brothers, Thysen and Matthew, both whom later recanted their faith in the United Pentecostal Church/
- During our disruption operation in Oklahoma City, Jason Scott and I shared the same hotel room for the weekend.
- All of Jason Scott's expenses during this disruption operation were paid by the Church of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs, under the guise of the Friends of Freedom.
- I am aware that prior to this disruption operation, Jason Scott had appeared with George Robertson in media forums denouncing his deprogramming at the hands of Rick Ross and to denigrate his the Cult Awareness Network, which he alleged, as coached by the Church of Scientology, endorsed and helped coordinate his deprogramming.
- At the Oklahoma City site, Jason Scott advised me that his confidante, whom he openly referred to as "mom" was Ann Laws, the Director of the Office of Special Affairs, Church of Scientology, in Dallas, Texas. Jason claimed, and it was confirmed to me by Ann Laws, that they had been in continuous contact with one another by telephone since Jason first worked with George Robertson and Scientology officials.
- Activities which Jason Scott was involved in, included denouncing Rick Ross in a press conference attended by Oklahoma media, wearing a concealed tape recorder in his coat jacket and inducing members of the Cult Awareness Network into casual conversation never advising the respondents that they were being recorded, deliberately disrupting the Conference by walking directly through the mezzanine site of the Conference leading Jason and other Scientologists, including myself, to be escorted out of the area by security officials, taking conference materials out of the mezzanine without the consent of its owners and turning said materials over to Scientology officials; and, deliberately confronting Rick Ross in the company of George Robertson, myself, and other Scientology officials.
- While Jason Scott was physically present in our hotel room, I, under the directive of my superior, David Butterworth, telephoned Rick Ross in his room and threatened to kill him.
- Throughout the duration of this operation, I observed Jason Scott giving different individuals varied interpretations of what occurred in his deprogramming by Rick Ross. Both George Robertson and David Butterworth prodded Jason to embellish his story so he would be seen as a "victim" of a malicious crime.
- I have, in my possession, photographs of Jason Scott in the company of Scientology official s in Oklahoma City, which have been entered into evidence in numerous civil cases where the Church of Scientology is the opposing party. The substantive facts of this declaration is also basis of evidence introduced into these state and federal cases.
- Following the operation in Oklahoma City, Jason Scott and myself remained in contact with one another by letter and telephone. In the Spring of 1992, Jason was married to his wife Kathleen. I received a wedding invitation, but could not attend. I sent Jason a wedding gift. I am aware that an official of the Church of Scientology in Seattle did attend Jason's wedding.
- In May 1992, Jason Scott, his wife Kathleen, his pastor Harold Kern and wife, and other members of the United Pentecostal Church cooperated in a Scientology scheme to disrupt a cult education forum, open to the public, where media had announced that Jason's brother, Thysen Scott, would be a guest speaker to talk about the positive effect that Rick Ross provided him as an exit-counselor. Also slated to speak was Susan Landa, a Seattle-based attorney who represented Thysen as a client.
- At this forum, held in McMinnville, Oregon, I, and another Scientology member, Sam Demeter, verbally interrupted Ms. Landa on numerous occasions as she attempted to give her speech.
- At one point, during Ms. Landa's presentation, Jason Scott stood up from his seat and challenged Ms. Landa, leading a forum official to approach Jason and threaten to physically eject him from the building and seek his arrest.
- I, personally, paid for the gas and meal expenses her Jason and Kathleen Scott during this operation. These expenses were reimbursed to me by Eugene Ingram, an employee of Bowles & Moxon, the in-house law firm for the Church of Scientology, Int'l.
- The disruptions caused by Scientologists and Jason Scott were successful enough that forum coordinators canceled Thysen Scott's appearance as a speaker.
- At one point, during the forum, Thysen Scott was observed by Harold Kern, Jason Scott and myself, speaking on a pay telephone to his mother. I observed Jason's pastor prodding him to go over to Thysen and stand next to him as he spoke on the telephone, so to intimidate Thysen. Later, Jason called his mother and heatedly challenged her.
- Following the forum, I traveled with Jason & Kathleen Scott to the Seattle, Washington, area, where they lived, and where I had business to attend to the following day. During the 5-hour road trip to Seattle, Jason and I discussed many personal issues affecting him, including the persistent and unwanted pressure he was receiving from Scientology officials wanting him to demand Grays Harbor County prosecutors to reinstate criminal charges against Rick Ross.
- Jason expressed very clearly, at that time, that he wished to put his deprogramming behind him, and seek some mental, financial, and familial stability in his life, and expressed interest in being a father. Jason, however, expressed fears of losing his friendships with Scientology officials if he did not follow through on their directives.
- During the duration of the period that I communicated with Jason, prior to my leaving the Church of Scientology in September, 1992, I observed Scientology officials coaching Jason to deliberately embellish his rendition of the events of his deprogramming. Initially, Jason spoke of his being physically kidnapped and detained against his will, renouncing his membership in the United Pentecostal Church, attending a celebrative pizza party at the Ocean Shores restaurant with Rick Ross, then fleeing the restaurant and calling the police. Jason claimed initially, that no physical violence occurred. However, after coaching by George Robertson and Scientology officials, Jason reported the physical violence, torture and mental abuse he endured at the hands of Rick Ross.
- Jason Scott advised me in Oklahoma City that Scientology officials sought to have Jason embellish his story to include charges that Rick Ross had sexually abused him during the deprogramming. Jason was adamant in refusing to do this, citing his personal displeasure of events surrounding the sexual abuse of Thysen Scott by a United Pentecostal Church pastor.
- Jason Scott's coaching was result of official, internal Scientology practice of "hatting the witness", whereby, a witness is coached to "lie convincingly" to law enforcement and judicial authorities in order to bring about the desired result.
- I have observed a copy of a July 3, 1993 letter to Grays Harbor Prosecutor H. Stuart Manafee from an attorney with the Scientology law firm of Bowles & Moxon. The letter encourages Manafee to contact U.S. Attorney Larry Leiser in Virginia to corroborate facts about "deprogramming". Allegations persist, for which an investigation is currently taking place, that U.S. Attorney Larry Leiser has direct ties to the Church of Scientology, thereby placing his credibility for providing objective information in doubt.
- I am aware that excerpts of testimony I provided in a civil case last month in Los Angeles, which was adverse to the Church of Scientology, and of which Scientology attorneys said they would seek to have stricken in it's entirety, have ironically provided, out of context, to Grays Harbor County prosecutors to support their position against Rick Ross.
- I am not, nor have I ever been an employee or an associate of Rick Ross, and our relationship is of a casual acquaintance. In fact, I first met Rick Ross in Oklahoma City, in November 1991, during the Scientology operation discussed in the body of this declaration.
I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 20th day of September 1993 in Los Angeles, California.
Garry L. Scarff, Declarant
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