
Tim Ballard faces new allegations involving Latter-day Saint leader, Utah A.G Sean Reyes

KUTV, Utah/November 23, 2023

By Kayla Winn

Tim Ballard, the founder and former leader of OUR foundation, faced civil suits filed by multiple women who had worked with him.

The women alleged that he had "manipulated" and coerced them into sexual acts as part of his trafficking rescue missions with Operation Underground Railroad.

In an amended complaint filed, attorneys for the women stated:

“LDS Elder M. Russell Ballard and other authorities from the Mormon Church provided Mormon tithing records to OUR to help OUR target wealthy donors and wealthy Mormon Church Wards," court documents read.

The complaint further stated that Attorney General Sean Reyes had "intimidated the complainants."

"Upon learning of these complaints, Attorney General Reyes would step in, and rather than investigate what OUR and Tim Ballard were doing, would intimidate the complainants," according to court documents.

Elder M. Russell Ballard is not related to Tim Ballard; however, he had at some point worked with and supported the efforts of OUR.

In September, the Church released a statement accusing Tim Ballard of exploiting his friendship with senior apostle Ballard, calling the former OUR leader's actions "morally unacceptable."

The Church did not respond to the allegations made in the newly filed court documents.

The Utah Attorney General’s Office released the following statement on Friday:

"AG Reyes categorically denies that he ever intimidated any witness or attempted in any way to interfere or keep witnesses from testifying or cooperating with an investigation by the Davis County Attorney or any other agency.

These allegations in paragraph 55 are false, defamatory per se and unethical as they are based on pure speculation and have no basis in fact.

The Davis County Attorney, himself, validated that there was no evidence to substantiate the allegation that the AG tampered with, harassed or intimidated any witnesses.

As to the remaining allegation in paragraph 55, the AGO would never open a case that the Davis County DA and FBI were already investigating over a two year span.

Since the time the FBI and Davis County Attorney closed their investigations with no charges being filed, no complainant has come forward to the AGO seeking a further criminal investigation, not even the civil complainants in this case.

So, any suggestion in paragraph 55 that the AG or AGO were or are withholding an investigation into OUR or Tim Ballard is completely baseless."

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