

Abusive Controlling Relationships

"Just as most soldiers believe bullets will hit only others, not themselves, most citizens like to think that their own minds and thought processes are invulnerable. 'Other people can be manipulated, but not me,' they declare." -- Margaret Singer, Ph.D.

Under the Influence Gaslighting In Cults
The Many Faces of Brainwashing From Heaven's Gate to QAnon
Social media ‘echo chambers’ radicalize people, make them more likely to turn violent
From QAnon to anti-vaccination scholar Andy Norman says we face a scourge of mind parasites
Study of convicted extremists shows open social media platforms play an increasing role in radicalisation
Cults and Cognition: Programming the True Believer
Political and Spiritual Cults
Feds say sex trafficker brainwashed vulnerable women
How MLMs And Cults Use The Same Mind Control Techniques
Sleep Deprivation Can Be a Weapon in the Hands of an Abusive Partner
Why It Took Me Five Years to Realize I Was in a Cult
Retired doctor reminisces about rescuing Moonies cult followers in the 1970s
Victim Speaks Out About Lawyer Convicted of Hypnotizing His Clients
Psychological 'vaccine' could help immunize public against 'fake news' on climate change
Here's What Placebos Can Heal—And What They Can't
How liars create the 'illusion of truth'
Why People Fall for Charismatic Leaders
Are Some Divorcing Parents Brainwashing Their Children? The Controversial Idea of Parental Alienation
Are Cult Members Insane?
The Christmas the Aliens Didn’t Come
My son was 'brainwashed', says mother of two British teenagers who died fighting for jihadists in Syria as she pleads for third child to come home
How con artists trick your mind
Abducted, Tortured, Indoctrinated: The Tale of a Teen Who Escaped ISIS
What Is Stockholm Syndrome?
Edinburgh doctor brainwashed Nazis
Brainwashing keeps the system going
Devotees may be 'brainwashed or under a spell'
Lotters acted with 'diminished responsibility'
The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science
Brainwashing drives young Pakistan suicide bombers
Former cult member says child abduction victims face similar brainwashing
Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists
"Mind Control Cults" (online video about cult indoctrination)
"The Wave"
Inside the head of a new cult member
Judge rules father brainwashed son into hating mother
Tracing the roots of mass trances
"Join Us" (documentary about cults in America)
Losing the pastor's religion in 'Join Us'
When Animosity Poisons Custody Deals
What makes a religious group a cult?
Central Washington University professor examines cults influence
The Cultic Phenomena: New and Emerging Religious Movements in America, By Charles H. Whittier, CRS
Ex-patient to tell of pills, shocks, brainwashing
"Mind Control Made Easy or How to Become a Cult Leader" -- A 12-minute streaming video at YouTube about cult brainwashing
Science finally tackles hypnosis
Under its spell
Nazi brainwashing started with Germany's youths
Scientists now respect hypnosis
This Is Your Brain Under Hypnosis
"Baloney Detection Kit"
Prevalence of Cults: A Review of Empirical Research in the U. S. A.
The London Bombers: The dark side of group dynamics
The Anatomy of an Illusion
Simulated Prison in '71 Showed a Fine Line Between 'Normal' and 'Monster'
The sickening predictability of our capacity for evil
The mystery of mind control
Mind training: a grade booster or brainwashing?
Stressed to Kill: The Defense of Brainwashing
Reading into the mind of a terrorist
There's a Sucker Born in Every Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Taking stock of syndrome
Brainwashing and thought control in the news but far from new
The Devil and John Walker
Unlicensed Psychologists Play Mind Games
Understanding Terror
Kidnapped Teen-ager Smart Possibly Held by Mind Control
Brainwashing agitates victims into submission
Psychologists not surprised by mental and social profile of JI members
The Mind Control Myth
Debate About Deprogramming
Dysfunction in training organisations
Cults: A Conflict Between Religious Liberty and Involuntary Servitude? FBI Report June 1982
An Experiment Goes Very Awry
Bad Vibes
Method Without Madness?
The "Not Me" Myth: Orwell and the Mind
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties
Expert helping make sense of madness fueling terrorists
The Mind of the Fanatic
"Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again"
Intruding into the Workplace
Understanding and Dealing With Manipulative People
Mass Marathon Trainings
Description of the Behavioral Structure of the Training
Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change
John Clark, 73, Psychiatrist Who Studied Sects
The Process of Brainwashing, Psychological Coercion, and Thought Reform
Psychological Persuasion Techniques
The Cultic Relationship
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism
Cult Formation
How the United States Marine Corps Differs from Cults
Miracle, Mystery and Authority: The Triangle of Cult Indoctrination
Cults: Public Perceptions vs. Research
Intruding into the Workplace
APA Memorandum on Brainwashing 1983
APA Memorandum: Final Draft of Task Force Report
APA Memorandum on Brainwashing: Final Report of the Task Force
Report of the APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Techniques of Persuasion and Control
The Catholic Church faces NRM
I Was Trapped in a Therapy Cult
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties
Cult involvement: A systems approach to assessment and treatment
The Psychology of the Cult Experience
School Turned Nazi-Like in Experiment
Intruding into the Workplace
APA Memorandum on Brainwashing 1983
APA Memorandum: Final Draft of Task Force Report
APA Memorandum on Brainwashing: Final Report of the Task Force
Report of the APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Techniques of Persuasion and Control
The Catholic Church faces NRM
I Was Trapped in a Therapy Cult
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties
Cult involvement: A systems approach to assessment and treatment
The Psychology of the Cult Experience
School Turned Nazi-Like in Experiment

Copyright © 1996-2008 Rick Ross.