Educational DVDs and Videos

Mission Statement

The Cult Education Institute (CEI) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization devoted to public education and research. CEI's mission is to study destructive cults, controversial groups and movements and to provide a broad range of information and services easily accessible to the public for assistance and educational purposes online through the Web.

CEI maintains a large public database on the Web to assist researchers, the media, professionals and those concerned with accurate information about various cults, groups and movements and related issues of interest. CEI is an institutional member of the American Library Association.

An Advisory Board of well-recognized experts assists the Institute.

Here are some of the services and resources CEI now provides:

    • One of the largest archives of information about controversial groups, some called "cults," and related information on the Web.
    • Resources and guidelines focused upon "getting help" for someone involved in a destructive group or movement.
    • Assistance for recovering former members considering legal action regarding a personal injury.
    • A large archive of research and information not yet online, but accessible upon request.
    • A Weblog that reviews and reports breaking stories regarding controversial groups and related issues.
    • The Cult News Network, where members can post links to and/or comment about breaking news stories regarding cults, controversial groups, movements and related issues.
    • An Open Forum for researchers, professionals and those concerned to network and exchange information and discuss relevant issues
    • One of the largest lists of resources available on-line about this subject provided through a Links page
    • An on-line library listing books and educational materials available

Please feel free to contact CEI directly for assistance and/or additional information.

Literature sales, grants and donations fund CEI. Contributions are tax-deductible as provided for by law. Support is always appreciated.