What's New

Abusive Controlling Relationships

Additions in the Last 30 Days

This file updated 07/27/2024

Note: A Red date indicates material that has been added or updated in the last 7 days.

New Groups

New Articles


Anti-Vax Movement

Boko Haram

Children of God/The Family

Clergy Abuse

Daybell, Chad and Lori Vallow


Falun Gong

Followers of Christ

General Information

Good News International Church, Kenya

Hamilton-Byrne, Anne and The Family, Australia

Islamic Fundamentalists

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jesus Christians

Jones, Alex


Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC), Apollo Quiboloy

Ku Klux Klan

Lev Tahor

Mormon Church

Neo Nazis

North Korea

Oktar, Adnan

Polygamist Groups




Shekinah Church

Shinchonji Church, founder Man-Hee Lee

Society of St. Pius X

Teen Boot Camps

Two by Twos/ Cooneyites

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Groups

Unification Church

Universal Knowledge Omaroo