"I am writing to you as a survivor. I was on medication and in therapy after leaving the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not saying that the whole church is a cult, but the extreme right wing is becoming very abusive. The groups that I find 'cultic' are those who might be part of, or have anything to do with, the 'Franciscan University of Steubenville' as well as EWTN. Although I am better now, I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I did and I don't feel these people represent true Catholicism. Some of these folks are very friendly with Opus Dei. It seems like they are opportunists taking advantage of people who hunger for spirituality."
"I am a Catholic and just recently discovered Opus Dei. I found really good, or really bad Web pages. But I couldn't find a site that objectively held both the good and bad, in equal proportions, so that I could compare and form my own opinion. That is, until I came to this page, which has been a great help to me. I applaud your professionalism."