Bible-Based Groups
- Alamo, Tony
- The Apostles of Infinite Love
- Apostolic Faith Church
- Apostolic Formation Center for Christian Renew-All
- Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Plaster Rock
- The Army of Mary
- The Assembly
- The Attleboro/Robidoux Sect
- Awaiting Christ Church
- Bakker, Jim and Tammy Faye
- Baptist Foundation of Arizona
- Baruch Ha Shem
- Bergholz Clan
- Bethesda Home for Girls
- Black Hebrews
- Black Israelites
- Born in Zion
- The Brethren
- Bride of Christ (Ã?sa Waldau)
- Brisbane Christian Fellowship
- Brother Julius
- Brownsville Revival
- The Bruderhof Communities
- Built Anew Ministries
- Calvary Chapel
- Caritas of Birmingham
- Catch the Fire Ministries
- Chen-Tao/God's Salvation Church
- Child Evangelism Fellowship
- Children of God/The Family
- Children of Thunder
- Christ Family/Lightening Amen
- Christian Assemblies International
- Christian Broadcasting Network
- Christian Exodus
- Christian Fellowship Churches
- Christian Fundamentalists
- Christian Science
- Church of Almighty God
- Church of the Firstborn and the General Assembly of Heaven
- City Harvest Church
- Clergy Abuse
- Colonia Dignidad
- Community Chapel
- Concerned Christians
- Creciendo en Gracia
- Crystal Cathedral
- Cult Awareness Network
- Daybell, Chad and Lori Vallow
- Deaton, Tyler (prayer group)
- Deeper Life Christian Church
- Destiny Churches International
- Divine Truth
- Dominion Christian Centre
- Dove World Outreach Center
- End Time Ministries
- Endeavor Academy
- Ephraim/Elia Holland
- Exclusive Brethren
- Exodus International
- Exorcism and Spiritual Warfare
- Faith Christian Church of Tucson, Stephen M. Hall
- Faith Tabernacle Congregation
- Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith
- Falwell, Jerry
- Father Divine - International Peace Mission Movement
- Fellowship of the Martyrs
- First Family Church
- Focus on the Family
- Followers of Christ
- Foundation of Human Understanding
- Four Winds Commune
- The Freeman Group
- Friends of the Eucharist
- The Gatekeepers
- General Assembly Church of the First Born
- Global Association of Culture and Peace
- Global Revolution Church
- Good News International Church, Kenya
- Gospel Assembly
- Gospel Outreach Church of Pompton Plains, New Jersey
- Grace Cathedral
- Grail Movement
- Grandview Valley Baptist Church North
- Great Commission International
- Greater Grace World Outreach
- Greater Ministries International
- Heartland Christian Academy
- Hillsong Church
- His Community
- Holyland
- Hosanna Church
- House of Israel
- House of Judah
- House of Prayer
- House of Prayer/HOCC
- Hutaree Christian Militia
- Hutterites
- IPIC International Inc.
- Immaculate Conception Chapel
- Immanuel's Temple Community Church
- Inglesia ni Christo
- International Church of Christ
- International House of Prayer
- Jang, David and The Community
- Japanese Sects
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jesus Army
- Jesus Christ Followers - School of the Philippines
- The Jesus Christians
- Jews for Jesus
- Jonestown
- Kenneth Copeland Ministries
- Kingdom of Jesus Christ, Apollo Quiboloy
- King's Chapel of Norwich
- La Familia
- La Luz del Mundo
- The Little Pebble
- Lord's Resistance Army
- Love Holy Trinity Blessed Mission
- Love Israel Family
- Lundgren, Jeffrey
- Magnificat Meal Movement
- Maranatha Ministries
- Maryville Academy
- Messianic Jews
- Meyer, Joyce
- The Mormon Church
- Moses, Peter Lucas Jr.
- Mount Zion Full Gospel Ministries
- Nakami Chi Group Ministries International
- Neocatechumenal Way
- Neo American Church
- Network International Investment Corp.
- New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
- New Gnostic Church
- New Life Tabernacle
- No Greater Joy Ministries
- No Name Fellowship
- North Korea
- Nuevo Jerusalem, Mexico
- One Mind Ministries
- Opus Dei
- Oral Roberts University and Ministries
- Order of Christ Sophia
- The Order of the Last Times/The Palmarian Church
- Overcomers Ministry
- Pagtulun-an sa Dios Amahan
- Peniel Pentecostal Church
- Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association
- Phillip Garrido, Jaycee Dugard kidnapping
- Piecemakers
- Pilgrim House
- Polygamist Groups
- Promise Keepers
- Queen Shahmia, "Daughter of God"
- Radiant Life Church
- Rama Behera
- Rebirth in Christ Church
- Rebirthing
- Redeemer Baptist Church and School
- Remuda Ranch of Arizona
- Rest of Jesus Ministry
- Restored House of Yahweh
- Revival Centres International
- Rhema Worship Center
- Richmond Outreach Center (ROC)
- River Road Fellowship
- Russian Sects
- Sabbatarian Church/Levita Township
- Saints, The
- The Salvation Sect
- Salva Me of the Philippines
- Seishin Chuo Kyokai
- Scott, Gene
- Shekinah Church
- Shinchonji Church, founder Man-Hee Lee
- Snake Handling Pentecostal Sects
- Society of St. Pius X
- Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Sovereign Grace Ministries
- Spiritual Rights Foundation
- Strong City
- Teen Challenge
- Teen Mania
- Tridentine Latin Rite Church
- Trinity Broadcasting Network
- True Russian Orthodox Church
- Turkmenbashi
- Turning Point/People Knowhow
- The Turpin Family
- Tvind
- TV and Radio Preachers
- Twelve Tribes/Messianic Communities
- The "Two by Twos"/ Cooneyites
- Unification Church
- United Pentecostal Church International
- Universal Church Kingdom of God
- University Bible Fellowship
- Victory Church
- Victory Outreach
- Vissarion, Church of the Last Testament
- Water of Life Ministries
- Weigh Down
- Without Walls International Church
- Word of Faith Fellowship
- Word of Life Christian Church
- World Ministries
- World Mission Society Church of God
- Woroniecki, Michael
- Yahweh Ben Yahweh
- Yarber Group
- Year 2000 Bug/Y2K
- Yoido Full Gospel
- Youth with a Mission