This page contains information The Cult Education Institute has
gathered about the Unification Church.
Visit the Unification Home Page
Visit the Professors World Peace Academy
(Above links are outside The Cult Education Institute web site)
"In early July I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women's Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humanity. I declared that we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah."
Rev. Moon Unification News August 24, 1992
Historical Background |
Unification Church faces dissolution in Japan
LDPs ties to Unification Church one of the key issues in upcoming Japan election
24 junior ministers had Unification Church ties
Man reveals pain shame of growing up as Unification Church blessed 2nd gen in Japan
Church backing for ruling party candidate traced back to 2013
Meet the Moonies Inside the Cultish Religious Group Recruiting at the U of M
Tokyo High Court orders ex-Unification Church to pay fine
Top court rules Unification Church no-refund document invalid
Japan court imposes fine on Unification Church
Japan panel OKs putting Unification Church under increased scrutiny
37 consultation requests made by kids regarding Unification Church worries: Japan gov't
Japans Unification Church victims
State minister I met five times with Unification Church leader
Journalist Suzuki Eito and His Battle Against the Former Unification Church
Japans government will ask court to revoke legal status of Unification Church
Lawyers Report Huge Fraud Claims Against Unification Church Over 1.9 Billion Since March 2009
Japan Education Ministry to Impose Fine on Unification Church
How Sun Myung Moon Digested the Scientists and Fueled Climate Change Denial
Anguish of Children of Unification Church Faithful Brought to Light but Continues
Lawyers for former followers of Unification Church demand return of 2.6 bil. yen
I married a stranger at a mass wedding Life inside the Unification Church
An Unholy Alliance: How the Unification Church Penetrated Japan’s Ruling Liberal Democratic Party
ExFollowers Demand 16 B Yen from Unification Church
FOCUS Ex-PM Abe shooter trial to face issue of sympathy for church victima
Church settled 46 money battles since compliance order in 2009
The Unification Church, Japan, and North Korea
Christian missionary cult targets Jlem kids with party report
Unification Church linked group obtained huge amount of land for Japan Korea tunnel project
Abe assassination suspect Tetsuya Yamagami indicted over shooting
Petition calling for exUnification Churchs disbandment handed to govt
Faith or manipulation Debate grows over regulating Unification Church tactics
“Predatory cult”: the shadow of Unification Church over Abe’s funeral
Unification Church says it accepted ‘excessive’ donations from mother of suspect in Abe killing
Lawyers: Ex-Unification Church got mil. of dollars despite 'stricter compliance'
Brainwashed by the Unification Church: A former student follower tells his story
Abe murder suspect says life destroyed by mother’s religion
14 from Japan opposition party had dealings with Unification Church
Agency oversight of Unification Church halted after ’09 lawsuit
Son Recounts How Mother Lost Money to Unification Church
Husband who helped wife leave Unification Church now supports others
Lawyers say church caused suffering for Abe's alleged killer
From mass weddings to sex rituals, life inside the controversial Unification Church
People born into Unification Church speak out about hardships
Five things to know about Sean Moon, the Poconos pastor behind 'Rod of Iron' ministries
Lengthy Lawsuit Exposes Rifts Within Unification Church
'I WAS BRAINWASHED' I lost 15 years of my life after joining a cult and marrying a stranger
'No. 2 man' of Unification Church dies
Bizarre Korean cult leader jets into Harare
What It's Like to Grow Up in a Cult
Churches in fight over trademarked symbol
Unification Theological Seminary campus in Barrytown on market for $18 million
Locked and Loaded for the Lord
Retired doctor reminisces about rescuing Moonies cult followers in the 1970s
Religious 'relics' of a modern-day messiah in S. Korea
When Moonies took over the village
Thousands gather to remember Rev. Moon's 2nd death anniversary
Church finds 'holy ground' in Sin City
After 'refocusing of the vision of God,' Peace Palace on track to be finished by year's end
Three 'Moonies' set themselves ablaze in South Korea
Waning of the 'Moonies'
Unification Church members hold tearful funeral for late founder Rev. Moon in South Korea
Remembering former Rep. Don Fraser's battle with the Moonies
Thousands of mourners descend on Unification Church headquarters
Rev. Moon oversaw large, often bickering brood
'Messiah' Moon leaves a vast business - and a tainted image
The Rev Sun Myung Moon, who has died aged 92, was the soi-disant Messiah and saviour of the universe who founded the Unification Church, popularly known as "The Moonies".
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Self-Proclaimed Messiah Who Built Religious Movement, Dies at 92
Sun Myung Moon, 1920-2012: The Death of a Messiah Who Made It Rich
Unification Church Founder Dies at 92
Sun Myung Moon dies at 92; Washington Times owner led the Unification Church
Unification Church plans to move founder Moon to its own hospital after his condition worsens
Three 'Moonies' set themselves ablaze in South Korea
Church rallies for gravely ill Sun Myung Moon
Unification Church founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 92, treated for pneumonia in SKorean hospital
Unification Church founder Rev. Moon in critical condition
US journalist takes 'hiatus' amid plagiarism claims
U Penn "Daily Pennsylvanian" caves to "Moonies"
Will new name "Lovin Life Ministies" help Rev. Moon's Unification Church in the United States?
"High Pressure groups" recruiting at Penn
Moon's rising son spells change for the Unification Church
Korean-Americans made condolence trip to Pyongyang via inter-Korean border
Officials have to prohibit Moon sect members' entry to Kyrgyzstan
Unification Church 'means business' with Las Vegas facility
Questions raised over Unification Church's involvement in 2018 Winter Olympic venue
Moonies' burial site is approved
Woodland burial site for Moonies
Sons Rise in a Moon Shadow
Rev. Sun Myung Moon of Unification Church turns 90 as his son assumes key responsibilities
Children of Moon church's mass-wedding age face a crossroads
Rev. Moon turning over Unification Church to sons
'Moonies' mull future without founder
Moonie peace group to hold biggest UK event
Sun Myung Moon released from hospital
Cult chief in helicopter crash horror
FBI File
Son of Moonies founder takes over as church leader
Founder's son takes on SKorea Unification Church leadership
Cult to pay woman huge compensation over forced donations for ancestors
Protesters disrupt ex-gay speaker at Georgia State
Unification Church agrees to pay woman 230 million yen
Schismatic sect arises in Zambia, with ties to Milingo
Sun Myung Moon adherents try to get into Russian education system, historian of cults says
Judges clear religious leader Moon to enter Germany
Controversial excommunicated archbishop surfaces in Seoul
Solicitors arrested in city
Moonies make a comeback
Rev. Moon and the black clergy
Honduran cardinal rejects award from Unification Church
Moon's church protests unflattering coverage
Church denies pressuring followers to break with non-believers
Zambia: Archbishop Milingo Outlines His New Mission
Despite controversy, Moon and his church moving into mainstream
A Moon Swoon
Fijians escape New Zealand cult - report
Unification Church head Rev Moon to visit
Throw out the Moonies' messiah, demand MPs
Dark side of Moonies
Moonies' leader allowed into UK
Demands for money sowed seeds of doubt in convert
Moon Banned to Enter Bulgaria
Unification Seminary aims to triple enrollment -- at least
Unification Church revising plan for new house of worship
SOCCER: Spurs defend Peace Cup involvement
Mount Baker graduate ready for 2-year mission trip
Moonies alarm local Muslims
Unificationist group back for second go at charter
Cult leader detained on fraud charges
A Onetime Moonie Helps Free Cultists
From Mental Bonds - Without Force
Canadian recalls decade spent within the Unification Church
Royal pastor worried about door-to-door 'fraud'
U.S. presidents endorse Sun Myung Moon from 'spirit world'
High Level Endorsements
Unification Church plans house of worship in Tarrytown
Presidential Body Demands Tough Action Against 'Subversive Cult
Environmental documents for school nearly complete
Rev. Moon's Napa resort sold to developer
Moonies case dismissed
In the Name of God - Video
Escape from the Moonies - Video
Council delays approval of Unification Church dorms
Archbishop's sect sex lure
Church-backed school before planners
Moon pitches Kona school
1,000 Help Spiff Up District Schools
Mystery of Life Solved
Decisions Differ on Religious Ad
Has Rev. Moon lost his mind, or does he have a hotline to heaven?
Moonies Recruit Christian Clergy for Mass "Blessing"
350 quit being 'Moonies'
Saga Over Married Archbishop Ends
Rev. Moon Reaching Out To African-American Ministers
Ballet From the Heart of Seoul
Universal Ballet's Really Big Show
Moonies ordered to pay 29 mil. yen for mind control
Moonies ordered to compensate for illegal enticement
Moon's light dims
Rev. Sun Myung Moon draws crowd to Minneapolis church
Local pastors welcome Moon
Rev. Moon's Unification Message Coming to Utah
Children of a Lesser God
Koreas Unification Church dipping its toe into South Pacific
Moonies target Irish students for conference
Moon-related funds filter to evangelicals.
Moon and his ballet stars
Bayou La Batre residents embrace church they once called a cult
Moon's church from inside and out
Moonies pay out in carrot-juice fiasco
Rev. Sun Myung Moon celebrates 80th birthday with 3,000
Growing Up With The Moonies
Moon arms factory
Church's Pistol Firm Exploits a Niche
Moonie parents?
Korean financial crisis hits Rev. Moon's empire
What in God's name is going on?
Cult branches spread worldwide
The Dysfunctional Messiah?
Leader moonstruck over America
Venezuela Restricts Unification Church
Joint Declaration Concerning the Moon Organization
Once-Generous Japanese become disenchanted with Moon's Church
France: "Do The Moonies Still Exist?"
The Ungodly Gains Of The World's Greediest Church
Rev. Moon to serve jail time
"The Moonies"
Harold and Lila Scales: a battle against cults
Organizations Controlled by and/or Associated with Moon
Moon followers draw 80 to event at West Chester YMCA
Sun Myung Moon in United States Congressional Record 1976
Unification Church tied to illegal shark selling business
Kahr Arms dedicates Pike County HQ
New luxury Vegas meeting venue isn't on the Strip
After 'refocusing of the vision of God,' Peace Palace on track to be finished by year's end
Yongpyong resort plans to go public
True World has sights set on yellowtail sashimi brand
Unification Church Bids Farewell to Soccer
Departing Rockland gunmaker calls N.Y. law a 'shock'
Meet Pyeonghwa Motors, North Korea's Only Modern Day Automaker
Unification Church quits auto venture with NKorea
South Korean church to end car venture with North: Source
Unification Church Owns Large Parcel of Las Vegas Land
Beyond Weddings and Roses: Moon's US Influence
Unification Church will hold seminars, not build boats near airport
Korean-Americans made condolence trip to Pyongyang via inter-Korean border
Son of Unification Church founder visits NKorea
Rev. Moon's Son Answered Call to Help at Home
Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Moonies, Ginseng UP
Brady Campaign Gets Settlement for Shooting Victims from Gun Maker
The 417-room Sheraton National Hotel has been sold to a Connecticut-based hotel investment firm
Third son of Unification Church founder Moon files lawsuit against his mother
Unification Church attacks Seoul skyscraper plan
A new role in life after dance
Business engine of a global faith
Sons Rise in a Moon Shadow
Moon family quarrels over crumbling empire
Police accuse cult-linked personal seal retailer of manipulative sales techniques
North Korea in the Slow Lane
Money, Guns, & God
Top U.S. Sushi Company Linked to Whaling
Shark-Smuggling Bust Nets $1 Million for Habitat Protection
The minister, the sharks and $1.2m
Pastor gets prison for shark smuggling
Murder and the gun maker
UK pastor behind worldwide shark smuggling racket
Moon fish in hot water
The Moonies and the Sharks
Sushi and Rev. Moon
US operator acquires S-92s to boost tourism
Norfolk boat yard set adrift
Drama boom brings 'blessings' to Korean church
Cult leader detained on fraud charges
Insight cuts back as Wash. Times starts re-evaluation
Noticias to Close; Moonies Axing 86
Old stone house may come down
Southern Investor Revving up Business in NK
Rev. Moon sizes up Yeosu as retreat
Boat Builder Moves to New 47,000-SF Bldg.
Pyonghwa Motors, Unification Church Do a Deal
Unification Church Group to Begin Tours to North Korean Capital
Rev. Moon son made gun
Pyonghwa Builds NK Auto Plant
Setting Up Shop in N. Korea
Moonies make bid for QPR
Kodiak, Alaska, Fish-Processing Plant Hauls In Big Fine
Looking for a Miracle
As firms court N. Korea, money isn't only motive
The Rise of the House of Kahr
Unification Church launches auto venture in North Korea
Moons face 2nd hearing over fish
Unification Church to build North Korea car plant
S. Korean Business Vies for N. Korea
South, North Korea join forces in Peace Motors
Uproar after Moonies buy town
Rev. Moon charged with overfishing
Double trouble for Moon empire
Rev. Moon to auction off Texas ranch
Ranch brings $6.5 million
Listing of Moon related businesses
What It's Like to Grow Up in a Cult
Meet the billionaire Holy Mother of the Unification Church
EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Love Child Rev. Sun Myung Moon Desperately Tried to Hide
Rev. Moon oversaw large, often bickering brood
Third son of Unification Church founder Moon files lawsuit against his mother
Sons Rise in a Moon Shadow
Moon family quarrels over crumbling empire
Son of Unification Church founder dies
Parents support of abstinence-only
CBS "60 Minutes" report about Moon family
Home-Alone Shock
Some Black Clergy Fired Over Moon Connection
Controversial Message: Moon speaks at church
Reproduction rhetoric eclipses Moon's expected violence talk
Serve God by having babies, Moon urges
Unification's Moon Offers Social Message: 'Time for America to awaken,' he tells SLC crowd
Life as Moonchild Far From Blessed
Lasting love
Group founded by Sun Myung Moon preaches
sexual abstinence in China
Moon sect intends to infiltrate youth organizations
Abstinence advocacy group kicked out of Chicago schools
Schools Hit `Cult' Sex-Ed Class
Coroner's Report
Record of Death Narrative
Moon's son dies in fall from hotel
Body of Rev. Moon's son to be taken to Korea
Son of Unification church leader dies
Past returns to haunt 'Parent of the Year'
Longmont dad denies ties to 'happy hookers'
Parent award returned by cult member
Honor Thy Parents
What is the truth behind Parents Day?
The Dark Side of the Moon Family
A Scion Falls Short of Sinless
Celibacy program is dropped, As source is tied to Church
Family takes son from Moon group
I Agreed To An Arranged Marriage With A Stranger. It Turned My Life Upside Down.
South Korea mass wedding attracts thousands despite virus fears
Thousands of couples marry in mass ceremony in South Korea
3,000 couples in Unification Church mass wedding
3,800 Unification Church couples wed in mass ceremony
Thousands marry in South Korean 'Moonie' mass wedding
First such event organised by Unification Church near Seoul since death of founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon last year
U Penn "Daily Pennsylvanian" caves to "Moonies"
Thousands join Moon for mass wedding in South Korea
The Next Generation Tries Church’s Arranged Marriage
Thousands marry in big Indian wedding
Correction: Mass wedding story
Rev. Moon marries thousands in mass wedding
Unification Church Woos A Second Generation
South Korean cult leader marries thousands in mass wedding
Children of Moon church's mass-wedding age face a crossroads
Vatican defrocks African archbishop for defiance
Rev. Moon to preside over mass wedding of 40,000
Unification Church pres sees smaller mass weddings
Tales of women 'marriage migrants'
Italian priest denies Communion to excommunicated Bishop Milingo
My Big Fat Moonie Wedding
Two sides of Moon marriages
Archbishop says Sun Myung Moon behind fight for married priests
Profile: Zambia's controversial archbishop
Never met but made for each other
Bishop Milingo back to Catholic church fold
500 followers of Moon rise and shout, 'We do'
Archbishop's Book Confesses All on Moon Marriage
Moonies ordered to compensate for three forced marriages
Clergy's children take up task of keeping marriages strong
Unification Church weds 3,500 couples in S.Korea
Archbishop´s "Wife" Was Already Married, Report Says
Cardinal says Moon put pressure on Milingo and wife
Vatican releases Milingo's letter to refute his wife's claim it's fake
Pope meets disgraced archbishop
Milingo Rejects Invitation to Avoid Excommunication
Pope to Bishop: Leave your wife or leave the church
'I'll have no more inquisitions'
He's Caused Deep Injury to the Church Communion
Together, Sort Of
As the Moon Turns . . .
A Member of The Wedding
Vatican banishes archbishop over Moon marriage
Catholic Archbishop Marries Physician
Could It Be Love?
Moon Over Imani
Hell Hath No Fury . . .
Moon pushes marriage as vital
Moonies free to go - BI
500 Attend Sex Rally in S. Korea
Rev. Moon Marries 20,000 People
Some 450,000 couples marry in mass ceremony
40,000 to marry in Moonie wedding fest in Seoul
Moon-Lit Matchmakers Nibble At Apple
Unification Church to Host Joint Wedding of 20,000 Couples in Feb.
One missing from Moonstruck mass
Unification Church weds thousands in S.Korea
Rev. Moon calls for new UN-backed religious body for world peace
Moon unites 28,000 couples at $70 each
Whitney Houston a no-show at Moon's mass wedding ceremony
Moon Church Plans 'Blessing '97'
Joint Declaration Concerning the Moon Organization
The Washington Times reports first profitable month in 33-year history
Arnaud de Borchgrave, swashbuckling Newsweek foreign correspondent, dies
Obituary: James Whelan
James R. Whelan, First Editor of The Washington Times, Dies at 79
Washington Times Gets First President And CEO Who Is Not A Member of Unification Church
Washington Times Chairman Douglas Joo Abruptly Departs Paper For Reasons Unknown
Washington Times names Ed Kelley as editor; will oversee news coverage and opinion content
Philip Evans, journalist who helped launch Washington Times, dies at 77
Third son of Unification Church founder Moon files lawsuit against his mother
Washington Times fires top editor Sam Dealey
Moon and fired executives buy Washington Times for $1
Washington Times Nears Sale, Wins Dismissal of Forced Bankruptcy in Court
Washington Times Faces Involuntary-Bankruptcy Filing
Washington Times struggles amid divisions of family, ideology, finances
Memo: The Washington Times could be sold for $1
Deal in works to sell The Washington Times
Washington Times to meet its end ... again?
Washington Times Feud Good News for Paper
Internal spat pulls curtain back on Washington Times' troubles
Was Washington Times reporter sacked for speaking out?
Unification Church will put Washington Times up for sale
Washington Times publisher leaving
Lawsuit Alleges Washington Times Power Struggle
Report: Washington Times to move HQ
Washington Times slashes staff; sports section out
Washington Times cuts Sunday edition
Ex-Washington Times editor sues paper, Rev. Moon
Most 'Washington Times' Circulation Will Be Free Under New Plan
Moon family quarrels over crumbling empire
Washington Times denies ex-editor's bias claim
In Shake-Up, Washington Times Ousts 3 Executives
Ex-Washington Post Reporter to Lead a Rival
The Washington Times, Hunting For a Bionic Editor in Chief
Bush Sr. To Celebrate Rev. Sun Myung Moon-ÂAgain
Tension of the Times
Moonies pushing for changes at Washington Times
News World Layoffs To Idle 86 Workers
Job Bias Case Tests Religious Privacy Rights
Moon Speech Raises Old Ghosts as the Times Turns 20
Moon Eclipses Birthday Bash For Times
Moon, guests celebrate 20th anniversary of The Washington Times
UPI's de Borchgrave becoming editor at large
Hearst Hires Helen Thomas
Washington Times Owner Buys UPI
St. Charles Shelter Turns Down Award
Double trouble for Moon empire
Five resign from Washington Times
The Unification Church Infiltrated Japans Government. Now Its Sights Are Set on the U.S.
No confidence motion against scandal hit minister voted down in Diet
Chief Cabinet secretary admits meeting with church group
Education minister signed Unification Church supporting document
State eyes court order to dissolve the Unification Church
Trump Pompeo celebrate group with Unification Church ties
Unification Church Founder Entered Japan Aided by LDP Official
170 local lawmakers in Japan said to have joined 2020 event tied to Unification Church
How Shinzo Abes murder and his ties to Moonies blindsided Japanese politics
Police kept mum on church link despite suspect’s stated motive
Indictment draws near for Abe assassination suspect
One in 10 local politicians have Unification Church ties: Jiji survey
Explained: The Unification Church scandal haunting Fumio Kishida's Cabinet in Japan
Japans lower house tightens religious donation rules amid Unification church controversy
Over 330 prefectural assembly members had ties with Unification Church
Japan probes Unification Church after backlash over ruling party ties
Japan gov't gave 9.55 mil. yen to Unification Church-linked NGO
Japan minister steps down over allegations of links to cult being probed for Shinzo Abes murder
Japan minister reveals he met with Unification Church leader in 2018
New LDP report falls short on ties with Unification Church
Japan PM apologizes for ruling party’s church links and vows to cut ties
Bonds between LDP, Unification Church date back half a century
Shinzo Abe's assassination spotlights Unification Church links to Japan's politics
Japan defense minister had help from Unification Church in elections
Japan's politicians admit to ties with Unification Church after Abe's death
Killing of Shinzo Abe shines spotlight on politicians’ links with Moonies
Trump gives virtual speech to event linked to controversial religious ‘cult’ on 9/11 anniversary
Cabinet reshuffle raises a slew of new questions
Moon's Son Heads North, Expects to Meet Kim Jong Eun
Russian senators' plans to hold conference with Moon sect "alarming" – expert
Matt Salmon's Big on the New Jesus (Who Claims He Saved Hitler's Soul)
The Bush Administration's Secret Link to North Korea
Hickey takes reins
Unification Church president on condolence visit to N. Korea
Son of Unification Church founder visits NKorea
Foreign Office aide attended peace summit run by Moonies
FBI File
Bush's Younger Brother Visits Paraguay
Glitz and blitz at New York Ritz for huge Lankan delegation
Former Byelorussian parliamentary speaker denies being member of banned sect
Arizona Rep. Anderson weighs run for Mitchell's congressional seat
A Desire to Feed the World and Inspire Self-Sufficiency
State Department Official Picked to Run U.N. Food Program
UN to appoint former Moonie as head of World Food Programme
U.S. Candidate for UN's World Food Program May Get Lame Duck Appointment, Despite Korean Issues
Moonies sign up official backing
$1 million Moonie mystery
Sun Myung, Boris and Neil Bush
Moon praises RP officials for interfaith initiative
Controversial cult guru denounces UN, proposes alternative forum
Visiting Rev. Moon promotes spiritual 'U.N.'
Moonies knee-deep in faith-based funding
Moon's groups lure lawmakers to symposiums and conferences
Warner Helped the Rev. Moon
Rev. Moon cultivates black allies
The Money-Mooners Meet on Capitol Hill
A Capital Coronation
Lawmakers say they didn't mean to hear Rev. Moon
Senators duped by Moonie event
Whose peace is it?
Argument turns physical after Jefferson GOP event
Town gets 500 acres in open space
Bad Moon on the Rise
Oberg resigns from Ephrata council
Longtime Moonie for Dubya's team?
'Moonies' launch political party in S Korea
Moon 's church preparing to launch a political party
Kavindele Gets Moonies Invitation to Seoul
Solomons PM on mystery Korean trip
The Corps, the Corps, the Corps
Challenges of Development
Religious Right Joins Rev. Moon At Pro-Bush Inaugural Luncheon
Moon Tries to Connect With Black Pastors
Rev. Moon's event raises local hackles
The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
Why is TV news ignoring the relationship between Moon and the Bush family?
Evangelicals unaware inaugural event was sponsored by Unification leader
George W. Bush and The Moonies
Farrakhan, Moon Make an Odd or Perfect Couple
Moonies seek recruits in Lithuanian Parliament
Group of shadowy power-players with mind set on one-world control
Brig. Ali clarifies Rev. Moon visit
Rev. Moon, North Korea & the Bushes
Parents Day shows links of Moon's church to GOP
Indonesian President a Champion of Pluralism in Strained Nation
Is Al Haig a Rev. Moon "soul mate"?
The stars come out for a Moon dance
Moonies join hands across the border
Kim Jong-il sends birthday gift to Rev. Moon
Alexander Haig and Rev. Moon are "soul mate[s]"?
Looking for George W.'s Moon link
Aka supports Rev. Moon
Moonie parents?
Religious tolerance essential to America
Anderson, in fact, is fronting for a dangerous cult
Religious views play role in shaping political agendas
Anderson's ties with Rev. Moon in question
Conferees put premium on preserving family
Bill Cosby, Presidents Ford and Bush and Others Speak at Conferences Connected to Moon
Kemp's Moonlighting
Group linked to Moonies sponsoring Bush speeches
Organizations Controlled by and/or Associated with Moon
The Moon Organization: 1978 Congressional Report
Brazil landless raid Reverend Moon cattle ranch
Over the Moon: how football wins recruits for sect leader in Brazil
Moonies accused of involvement in drugs
Brazil seals off farm belonging to Rev. Moon
Brazilian government may expropriate "moonie" lands
Brazil to confiscate land owned by Moon followers
Brazilians turn heat on Moonies' swamp heaven
Brazil orders arrest of Moon sect leaders
Land-buying sows suspicion
Federal authorities raid offices linked to Sun Myung Moon
Buying Brazil
Brazil probes Moonie land purchases
Rev. Moon fined for crimes against the environment
Letter to US Senator about Moon enclave in Brazil
Court orders evacuation of the Rev. Moon's Brazilian ranch
Brazil Green lawmaker campaigns against Rev. Moon
Rev. Sun Myung Moon sets up soccer team in Brazil
Rev. Moon's followers turn Brazil swamp into paradise
Moon sees a 'new Garden of Eden' in Brazil
Rev. Moon Can Stay on Brazil Ranch
Moon Beams Into Brazil
Cocaine cartels encroach on Unification Churchs Paraguayan paradise
Sun Myung Moon's Lost Eco-Utopia
Bush's Younger Brother Visits Paraguay
Rev. Moon offers land donation to avoid parcel's expropriation
Paraguay to expropriate some Moon holdings
Promised land
Paraguayan Senate votes to expropriate Moon holdings
Paraguayan peasants protest against Moon
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Rev. Sun Myung Moon prison mug shot |
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Rev. Sun Myung Moon leader of the Unification Church with fellow inmate at federal prison during his 18 month sentence for tax-fraud conviction |
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Mass marriage of Moon's followers |
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Jerry Falwell and Rev. Moon |
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Rev. Moon claims that 36 US presidents (speaking from "spirit world") have proclaimed him "Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah, the Savior and True Parent of Humanity" |
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Hyung Jin Moon |