Israel's money man gets funds for Holy Land from Evangelical Christians
'Child-witches' of Nigeria seek refuge
'Dr. Dino' ordered to pay taxes, penalties
'Lady Apostle' or exploiter of children?
'Sexual impurity' is cited in pastor's resignation from Willow Creek Chicago
"Voodoo, gay-cure therapy" poster ads banned from London buses
Abstinence program in China a milestone for U.S. evangelicals
Activists: Beware Concerned Christians
Africa's Anti-Gay Laws Spark Accusations and Denials in US
Americans' Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push
Anti-Catholic Leaflet Stirs Holy War in Tennessee Town
At Conference, Evangelicals Take On Netanyahu's Fight
Austin author reflects on life in a cult-like religious community
Baptist Pastor Under Scrutiny
Bible Belt just meant pain for me
Board sides with evolution in curriculum debate
Brazil's evangelical churches rewrite the rules of politics
Brazil's evangelical revolution sees miracle healers take centre stage
C Street house target of clergy's IRS complaint
Channel 4 to show ad for anti-gay Christianity crash-course
Chick flick shines light on cartoonist
Chick-fil-A controversy shines light on restaurant's Christian DNA
Children of God... bred to take over the world
Christian group's billboards denounce separation of church, state
Christian groups try to cure homosexual teens with brainwashing treatment
Christian leader faces questions about Muslim past
Christian Right's Influence Shaken by U.S. Election
Christian school fires non-evangelicals
Christian Singer Resumes Career, Relieved of a Secret
Christians at Chino conference say crisis predicted by ancient prophets
Conference builds bridges for gay evangelicals
Conversion therapy: she tried to make me 'pray away the gay'
Court rules against creationism degree
Creationist sect among 100-plus faith applicants for free schools
Disgraced pastor faces more gay sex accusations
Divisive evangelist resigns from leadership position
Ephren Taylor Accused of $11 Million Christian Ponzi Scheme by SEC
Evangelical Christians fill streets in Jerusalem in support of Israel
Evangelical Christians gain political clout in Catholic Brazil
Evangelical church opens doors fully to gays
Evangelical group gets boot from Delta schools
Evangelical group targeting Jewish people in St. Louis
Evangelical group targets schools
Evangelical leader out over same-sex union comments
Evangelical Leaders See Secularism as Greater Threat Than Islam
Evangelical scholar forced out after endorsing evolution
Evangelicals call on Jews to assert Jesus' gospel
Evangelicals hold edge in recruiting
Evangelicals offer redemption at Cambodia's girlie bars
Evangelicals rewrite Texan curriculum
Evangelicals set up £190k conversion drive in LA
Evangelicals still in Vancouver school, but not Delta
Evangelicals: Storms signal 'end times''
Ex-gay survivor's tales of exorcism in middle England
Film Review: Self-fulfilling prophecies
Florida Outpouring: Internet Draws Thousands to Lakeland Revival
Former church members question AZ pastor's financial advice
Gaveling for God: Christian lawyers seek judgeships in move that could blur church-state line
Global documentary looks at Christian Right
Good Lord: In China, Christian Fundamentalists Target Tibetans
Govt to investigate offensive pamphlets
Hillary's Prayer: Hillary Clinton's Religion and Politics
Housewives of God
How evangelicals are making children their missionaries in public schools
Hundreds attend faith healing schools linked to fundamentalist Bethal Church
In public he rails against immorality as the voice of Christian Britain but in private he is a wife beater, says his former partner
Inside the Christian School
It ain't easy being gay, Christian and famous
Jesus Made Me Puke
Jesus, Reconsidered: Book Sparks Evangelical Debate
Jewish festival has an unlikely focus
Kirk Cameron defends Rep. Todd Akin 'legitimate rape' comment
Local Baptist pastors react to 20/20 story calling them cults
Losing faith in the U.S. religious right
Loving, harsh, distant, critical: Americans' four views of God
Mac Hammond's Living Word facing IRS investigation
Meeting Jesus at Oxford
Military chaplains are faith mismatch for personnel they serve
Ministries preying on gay shame
Money Cometh to Me Now!
One Town's War on Gay Teens
Ousted Evangelical Reflects On Faith, Future
Pastor Seeks To Debunk Prosperity Gospel
Political Fundamentals
Polling global evangelical leaders on evolution
Ponzi suspect's latest deal questioned
Religion strikes back at Brazil's gay culture
Religious Right on Gay Marriage: 'We Will Never, Never, Never, Never Give In'
Rick Warren's biggest critics: other evangelicals
Rick Warren's Resurrection
Rock of Ages, Ages of Rock
San Diego Christian lawyers lose bids to be judges
Selling God
Son of Evangelical Royalty Turns His Back, and Tells the Tale
Southern Decadence protest leader booked with masturbating at Metairie park
Stop preaching or get out
Tax-evasion sentences upheld for 'Dr. Dino' and wife
Tea Party support correlates to religious affiliation, survey finds
The Conservative-Christian Big Thinker
The Evangelical Brain Trust
The Jewish dilemma of accepting Evangelical support
The true story of the religious right
Todd Bentley: B.C. bad boy stirring up a faith-healing storm
Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution
Uganda's homosexuals targeted by US Evangelicals
Ugandan Gay Rights Group Sues U.S. Evangelist
US religious right presses anti-gay laws in Africa
US Sheriff's department 'paid evangelicals to turn lesbian straight'
US tourist diagnosed with 'Jerusalem Syndrome' jumps off building
Virginia Pastor Sentenced for Aiding Parental Kidnapping
Wait for sex and marriage? Evangelicals conflicted
Wheaton's (Unofficial) Homecoming for Gay Evangelicals
Why young evangelicals are leaving church
Zach Wamp caught up in national controversy
Political Fundamentals
The Loony-Tunes church that claims to heal HIV sufferers is one of many obsessed with sex and 'curing' homosexuals
Religion Today
Evangelical Group Banned From Tulsa Housing Projects, Chapter Leader Says
Evangelising to Florida's spring breakers
A Mega-Scandal for a Mega-Church
Bob Jones Sees Bush Win As 'Reprieve'
'God Loves Uganda': How Religion Fueled An Anti-Gay Movement
Colleges and Evangelicals Collide on Bias Policy
Conservative evangelical leader: Time to soften attitude toward same-sex marriage
Evangelical megachurch begins closing branches after pastor calls women "penis homes"
Leader of Christian ministry followed by the Duggar family from TLC's 19 Kids And Counting is accused of using teenage girl as 'personal sex slave' in $1m lawsuit
'Did you agree with Dave?'
'Dr. Dino' facing new legal woes
'Dr. Dino' guilty on all counts
'Hell House' finds new home on stage at Denver church
'Hell House' succeeds in its sincerity
'Jesus Camp' documentary likely to raise hackles
'March for Marriage' rally reflects steadfast opposition to gay marriage among evangelical Christians
'Stealth evangelism' picked up by ADL's radar
'The good news is that there's 50 less pedophiles in this world': Fundamentalist Christian pastor films hate-filled rant in wake of Orlando gay club massacre
'The Jesus Factor' and George W. Bush
'The rainbow belongs to God': Anti-gay US pastor sets sights on Sochi Olympics
"No to Homo Agenda": How evangelicals spread anti-gay hate to Jamaica
3 former leaders of ex-gay ministry apologize
68% of white evangelicals think America shouldn’t house refugees
70% of White evangelical parents say it’s very important that their kids have similar religious beliefs to theirs
77% of evangelical Protestants attribute climate change to Biblical predictions
A Fallen Fundamentalist Icon Finds Redemption in Venice Beach
A Gift horse or a Trojan horse?
A Muckraking Magazine Creates a Stir Among Evangelical Christians
A new survey by HRC found that there's a generational gap in support, but young evangelicals are more likely to support marriage equality than not
Addicted to God
Afro-Brazilian religions struggle against Evangelical hostility
America's Most Influential Evangelicals
American voters prefer gays over fundamentalist Christians
Among evangelicals, a kinship with Jews
Amy Duggar reveals toy kids were banned from playing with & accuses controversial family of being like a cult
Anita Bryant Whose Anti Gay Politics Undid a Singing Career Is Dead at 84
Apocalyptic upbringing: how I recovered from my terrifying evangelical childhood
Are we living in the final days? Local clergy weigh in
Arrest warrants issued for two in boy's beating
As Evangelical Clout Grows, Brazil May Face New Culture Wars
At Evangelical Colleges, Leadership Is Often the Family Business
Baptist Homes accused of forcing religion on residents
Baptist pastor/author examines how faith is used to justify atrocities
Bible clubs bring religion into 50 schools across U.S.
Bigotry lurks in born-again Christian doctrine
Boarding school temporarily closed after alleged abuse
Bringing the Church to the Courtroom
Brothers Guilty in Beating at Bible Study
Brothers, Fundamentally
Children 'at risk' in Christian fundamentalist schools in the UK, warns government watchdog
Christian college has an honorary doctorate for Alice Cooper
Christian court watchers keep tabs on judges
Christian dinosaur hunters dig for signs of Biblical dragons
Christian evangelists causing stir in Pittsburgh
Christian fundamentalist schools teaching girls they must obey men
Christian fundamentalist sentenced for preaching homophobia
Christian fundamentalists create 'Bigotry Map' of people intolerant of their faith - including those with a 'homosexual agenda'
Christian Group President Facing Prostitution Charges
Christians are more than twice as likely to blame a person’s poverty on lack of effort
Christians differ over "road map"
Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies
Church gets hip to attract youth
Congressional group house is subsidized by religious group, records show
Conservative Ohio Protestant Group Decries Catholics' 'False Gospel'
Conversion therapy crusader has something to say: He's gay
Countdown to the end times
Couple won't abandon religious convictions
Creation Museum opens
Creation Museum puts biblical spin on Earth's history
Creationist Ken Ham: Dinosaurs fought gladiator battles against humans and giants
Cuba's evangelical alliance leads crusade against gay marriage
Cults reject basic Christian beliefs
Destructive Charismatic Churches
Doco on NZ fundamentalist community
Earth to 'Dr. Dino': Please pay your taxes and start facing reality
Emphasis Shifts for New Breed of Evangelicals
Escaping the Extreme Christian Fundamentalism of "Quiverfull"
Evangelical church growth vigorous, but hard to track
Evangelical churches hit hard by coronavirus in Latin America as many flout guidelines
Evangelical evolution
Evangelical group wants gays removed from anti-lynching bill
Evangelical Group's Motto: Breed to Succeed
Evangelical pastor mocks 'pansies,' won't close church for coronavirus
Evangelical Republican lawmaker resigns after being caught having sex with another man in his office
Evangelical Writer Who Influenced Purity Culture Announces Separation From Wife
Evangelical: Religious Right Has Distorted the Faith
Evangelicals Are Changing Their Minds on Gay Marriage
Evangelicals Fear the Loss of Their Teenagers
Evangelicals Find Themselves in the Midst of a Calvinist Revival
Evangelicals have highest divorce rates: Study
Evangelism is luring Latin America's Catholics
Evangelist speaks about sex at UND
Evolution vs. Creationism ... Local author explores theories of life's beginning
Ex-fundamentalists find peace at retreat
Ex-Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll returns to evangelical orbit
Exit polls and the evangelical vote: A closer look
Experts: Gate open to occult
Exposed: The Gay-Bashing Pastor's Same-Sex Assault
Falwell Apologizes for Saying an Angry God Allowed Attacks
Falwell Gets Rights to Web Addresses
Falwell paper: Lilith Fair named for demon
Fighting a Fundamentalist University's Anti-LGBTQ Policies
For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is âGodâs Foreign Policyâ
Former Bob Jones University students describe experience exit from evangelical college
Fundamental advice
Fundamentalism a dangerous cult
Fundamentalist Christian who founded 'Biblical Flat Earth Society' busted on 56 counts of child sexual exploitation
Fundamentalist group tries to shut down Kentucky's last abortion clinic
Fundamentalist Protestants under fire over anti-gay rights statement
Fundamentalist’s $100m ark makes waves
Gay and Evangelical, Seeking Paths of Acceptance
Gay Christians 'being forced out' by evangelical churches
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality: What Have Joel Osteen, Billy and Franklin Graham, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes and Other Top Pastors Said on the Subjects
Gay, Christian author seeks to start a conversation
God and Country
God on the Quad
Grooming Politicians for Christ
Group Starts Move to Get Converts, Voters
Groups offer Iraqis aid - and the Bible
Holy Ghost Bartender
HOT, YES running Jews for Jesus ads
How Christian fundamentalist homeschooling damages children
How Christian Reform Schools Get Away with Brutal Child Abuse
How Evangelicals Use Digital Surveillance to Target the Unconverted
How Rachel Held Evans became the most polarizing woman in evangelicalism
How the Evangelicals and Catholics Joined Forces
How the Pandemic Radicalized Evangelicals
How to Spot an Abusive Church
How US Evangelicals Helped Create Russia's Anti-Gay Movement
In D.C., white evangelicals are literally the 1 percent
In Hawaii, a Ministry for Uncalm Waters
In-your-face evangelist challenges hate-crime law's limits
Innerviews: Spiritual saga traces break from fundamentalist church
Inquiry Sought Over Evangelical Video
Inside the fundamentalist Christian movement that wants to remake Canadian politics
Inside the purity movement and its effect on evangelical women
Insight - Nigeria's 'megachurches': a hidden pillar of Africa's top economy
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Battles With Administrators
Investigation launched after three women reveal they were sexually assaulted by members of Christian sect 'People of Praise' that SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett belongs to
Ireland bars Christian fundamentalist pastor from entering country
Israel orders evangelical Christian media network God TV to take channel off air
Israel's Grip on Evangelical Christians Loosens
It's dangerous to rely on faith as a magic elixir
It's hell to believe in hell!
Jack Chick, fundamentalist Christian cartoonist, dies at 92
Jeb Bush Cites Religious 'Bigotry'
Jewish, evangelical groups in awkward union
Jinger Duggar says shes free from cult like religious upbringing It just consumed my life
Judge rules media can be at Freedom Village hearings
Judgment House
Kids shocked with cattle prod
Liberal ideas cause Baptist sect to sever ties with world alliance
Life in a Christian 'fundamentalist' school
Losing their religion
Major Ministry Kicked Out of Evangelical Alliance UK over Homosexuality Stance
Man forced to hurt himself with elastic band during cruel gay 'conversion therapy'
Manifestations of angels
Mel Gibson's 'The Passion' and its images
Mel's flock spreads word to grass roots
Miracle Channel told to repent, on pain of losing licence
More evangelicals turning up in elite circles, schools
More Religion, but Not the Old-Time Kind
More than half of white evangelicals say America’s declining white population is a negative thing
Most white evangelicals shun religious diversity
NAMB official cautions churches to be wary of renewal weekends
New Charges in Virginia Kidnapping Over Custody
New Front In Fight Against Same Sex Marriage? U.S. Evangelical Leaders Turn To Latin America
Noah's Ark biblical theme park project risks collapsing without more bond buyers
Onward Christian Sara
Parents claim church brainwashed daughter
Passion won few converts, survey finds
Pastor preaches virtue of wealth, property
Pastor Stands By Anti-Gay Sermon As Christian Community Condemns Him
Pastor will shut down controversial kids camp
Pensacola Christian Cult inside the college shaping Americas private school curriculum
Pentecostal and Charismatic Groups Growing
Pentecostalism and Its Impact
Police to probe pastor's Islam outburst
Poll shows a dramatic generational divide in white evangelical attitudes on gay marriage
Poll: 51% of white evangelicals support business' refusal of service to LGBT customers
Poll: Percentage of Americans Blaming Jews for Jesus' Death on the Rise
Poll: White evangelical support for Trump at record high
Prayer, Politics Mix Uneasily; Ministers Take Opposite Sides at SupremeCourt Protests
Prayers, cash flow into Tulsa
Preacher has no problem with mixing politics, religion
Preachers launch street 'invasions'
Progressive and fundamentalist Christians read the Bible differently. Here's how.
Prominent evangelical charity World Vision to hire Christians in same-sex marriages
Prominent evangelical leader Ravi Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct, his ministry reports
Rabbis Criticize Evangelicals in Israel
Rachel Dolezal was raised in a cult-like home where her father spoke in tongues and believed in miracle healing and she and her siblings were banned from watching TV and reading books, her brother claims
Rainbow crossing: conversion therapy by another name?
Rape culture and evangelical culture collide at "God's Harvard"
Reagan's Christian revolt: How conservatives hijacked American religion
Religion for a Captive Audience, Paid For by Taxes
Religion in schools draws ire of ACLU
Religion Today: Alliance Defense Fund
Religion: The Pop Prophets
Religious Fundamentalism Modulates Neural Responses to Error-Related Words: The Role of Motivation Toward Closure
Reverend ordered son to 'court' non-binary lesbian to make them straight: 'I was brainwashed'
Ruling Hits Christian Coalition, IRS Forces Powerhouse to Pay Taxes
Salvation and Cultivation
Separation of church & play gets smudged
So what's with all the dinosaurs?
Soldiers of Christ: Insider America's Most Powerful Megachurch
Songwriterâs Death Leads to Suits Against Preacher
Southern Baptist Consider New Definition of a ''Healthy Growing Church''
Southern Baptists confront a 'third way' on homosexuality and sin
Southern Evangelicals: Dwindling-and Taking the GOP Edge With Them
Study: Infant Mortality Rates Higher in Christian Fundamentalist Communities
Supreme Court Clears Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy
T. Rex Meets Biblical Text at Museum
TB Joshua exposé How the disgraced pastor faked his miracles
Teenagers Mix Churches for Faith That Fits
Texas preacher leads campaign to let Israel fight
Texas Seminary: No Speaking in Tongues
The Blood of the Lambs
The Crusaders
The Day Christian Fundamentalism Was Born
The evangelical presidency: Reagan's dangerous love affair with the Christian right
The Evangelical Who Got Fired for Promoting Vaccines
The Fundamentalist Witch Hunt’s New Prey
The Greatest Story Ever Sold
The Hidden War Against Gay Teens
The House of the Spirit
The Missionary Threat
The role of religion in the Deep South
The Spirit moves them: Pentecostals are swelling their ranks worldwide
The Unverifiable Legend of the Early-20th-Century Preacher Who Raised 14 People From the Dead
The Warrior Wives of Evangelical Christianity
They said they could make me straight Hongkonger recalls brainwashing by group with govt funding from equality fund
Tim LaHaye Dies at 90; Fundamentalist Leader’s Grisly Novels Sold Millions
To Russia, with love: Newspaper exec turns missionary
Tom Coburn Tax Decoder Takes On Clergy Tax Abuse
Tongues of Fire
Top Evangelical College Group to Dismiss Employees Who Support Gay Marriage
Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A founder, dies at 93
Tyler will now live with his grandparents
U.S. Evangelicals cheer on Latin American culture wars
Unvaccinated white evangelicals appear immune to pro-vaccine messaging
Welcome Stranger
What Happens When Evangelical Virgin Men Get Married? This Secular Female Sociologist Found Out
What It's Like Growing Up in the Evangelical Purity Movement
What It’s Like to Escape the Christian Fundamentalist 'Quiverfull' Movement
What the Largest Study of Women Leaders at Evangelical Nonprofits Has Learned So Far
When does foreign aid work become evangelism?
When he joined the Christian fundamentalist scene Brian was faced with spiritual warfare
White evangelicals distinct on abortion, LGBT policy, poll shows
White evangelicals in the United States, the core of President Donald Trump's political base, have far more positive views of his personal conduct and character than other U.S. adults.
White evangelicals more likely than other Christians to say people should prioritize marriage, procreation
Who goes to hell?
Who was TB Joshua Inside the life of cult leader accused of sexually abusing hundreds of young women and did he really spend 15 months in his mothers womb
Whose Heaven Is it?
Why Netflix Decided to Spotlight a Little-Known Christian Sect - and How the Group Is Defending Itself
Will Jewish Agency cut ties with Christian evangelicals?
With a religious state in mind
World Vision Reverses Decision To Hire Christians in Same-Sex Marriages
Would you pledge your virginity to your father?
Young Evangelical Leader Loses Book Deal After Coming Out
Young, Gay Christians, On a Bumpy Bus Ride
Zionism may mask conversion efforts