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Japanese Sects
This page contains information The Cult Education Institute has
gathered about Japanese Sects.
Japan finds 47 cases of abuse of second-generation followers
Majority of Japan universities bolster anti cult measures survey
The Divine Protector Objective review of movie made by Japanese cult that claimed to have cure for Covid
9 warning signs from Japan expert that college kids are being wooed by cults
Continued surveillance sought for Aum-linked groups in Japan
The Religious Cult Secretly Running Japan
Japan hangs cult leader responsible for 6 murders
Universities learned the lesson of cult mischief, get proactive
Nirvana for sale: Japanese centre closed down
Cult leader arrested for swindling 13 million yen through 'prayer fees'
2 religious group members arrested for murder after failing to seek medical care for son
Japan's 'Happy Science' sect launches political party
Universities taking steps to protect students from cults
Nerd cult murderer executed
Woman: 5 cops involved in fraudulent sales scheme
Killing for the cult
15 members of Kigenkai religious group indicted for death of member
Explosion of cults in Japan fails to heed deadly past
7 more Kigenkai cultists face arrest for beating woman to death
Kooky cultists' condom controversy explodes into deadly discipline
Women's secret sect raided after follower dies in savage beating
Clergyman helping to rescue cult followers
Fukuoka family cult members request pension payments from beyond the grave
Woman claims Christian cult leader raped her for years
10 years after Aum sarin attacks,
pseudo-religions thriving in Japan
4 arrested for fatally beating woman in religious training ritual
Neo-fascist ringleader admits attacking leftists, cult
Japanese still seek spiritual relief in cults despite Aum notoriety
Rise of Japanese cults
Husband's rotted corpse found in cult woman's home
Cops collar cult queen for follower's fetid corpse
Creating a museum as a sacred, powerful place
Cult Shock
Cult leader gets death penalty for killing six believers
Sect member found hanged
Cult killers get seven years
Cult leader gets 15-year term
Western eyes blind to spirituality in Japan
Cult leader 'Sengoku Jesus' dies
Swindling spiritualists to be spirited away
Five U.S. kids in state care as parents face trial over murder of their sibling
In Japan, Spirituality Search can Lead to Cults
A nightmare life left by a cult's dream of love
Society needs welcome mat for ex-cultists
Two arrested for starving children to death
Death cult mom ruled with iron fist
Family dies for 'weirdo' guru
Anti-cult crusaders are also fanatical themselves
'Shaman,' parents held over mutilation
Matters of Opinion / Young people's interest in spirituality grows
Religious group leaders jailed for murder
Japan Food Cult Ordered To Pay
Supreme and ugly truths
Cult boss likely denied aid to boy
In Japan, worry as cults flourish amid wave of faith
Cult leader set tough goals for followers
Title Filter
Woman: 5 cops involved in fraudulent sales scheme
Cult leader arrested for swindling 13 million yen through 'prayer fees'
Nirvana for sale: Japanese centre closed down
A nightmare life left by a cult's dream of love
Clergyman helping to rescue cult followers
Cops collar cult queen for follower's fetid corpse
Creating a museum as a sacred, powerful place
Cult killers get seven years
Cult leader 'Sengoku Jesus' dies
Cult leader gets 15-year term
Cult leader gets death penalty for killing six believers
Cult Shock
Death cult mom ruled with iron fist
Family dies for 'weirdo' guru
Five U.S. kids in state care as parents face trial over murder of their sibling
Fukuoka family cult members request pension payments from beyond the grave
Husband's rotted corpse found in cult woman's home
In Japan, Spirituality Search can Lead to Cults
Japanese still seek spiritual relief in cults despite Aum notoriety
Neo-fascist ringleader admits attacking leftists, cult
Rise of Japanese cults
Sect member found hanged
Society needs welcome mat for ex-cultists
Swindling spiritualists to be spirited away
Western eyes blind to spirituality in Japan
Two arrested for starving children to death
2 religious group members arrested for murder after failing to seek medical care for son
7 more Kigenkai cultists face arrest for beating woman to death
Explosion of cults in Japan fails to heed deadly past
Japan hangs cult leader responsible for 6 murders
Japan's 'Happy Science' sect launches political party
Killing for the cult
Kooky cultists' condom controversy explodes into deadly discipline
Nerd cult murderer executed
Universities learned the lesson of cult mischief, get proactive
Universities taking steps to protect students from cults
Women's secret sect raided after follower dies in savage beating
4 arrested for fatally beating woman in religious training ritual
Woman claims Christian cult leader raped her for years
'Shaman,' parents held over mutilation
10 years after Aum sarin attacks, pseudo-religions thriving in Japan
9 warning signs from Japan expert that college kids are being wooed by cults
Anti-cult crusaders are also fanatical themselves
Continued surveillance sought for Aum-linked groups in Japan
Cult boss likely denied aid to boy
Cult leader set tough goals for followers
Cult manual resembles scare tactic bible
In Japan, worry as cults flourish amid wave of faith
Japan finds 47 cases of abuse of second-generation followers
Japan Food Cult Ordered To Pay
Majority of Japan universities bolster anti cult measures survey
Matters of Opinion/Young people's interest in spirituality grows
Religious group leaders jailed for murder
Supreme and ugly truths
The Divine Protector Objective review of movie made by Japanese cult that claimed to have cure for Covid
The Religious Cult Secretly Running Japan
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