What you should know and agree to before making a commitment to the Geftakys Assembly
March 2002
By a former long-term member of the Geftakys Assembly
Frequently people join groups without fully understanding the rules and dynamics of the group. Often some groups do not make their expectations clear to prospective and/or new members. When I first found the Geftakys Assembly I did not fully understand what my commitment would ultimately mean. That is, how it would eventually impact my life.
After many years of involvement I left. Now when I look back, it seems to me that I should have made a more informed decision. That is, known all the rules and expectations that the group had before making any commitment.
Here are the rules you should understand before making a commitment to the Geftakys Assembly. You should agree to the following:
- I am willing to give up Easter, Christmas, Labor Day, 4th of July, and almost every other holiday in order to be involved in an Assembly activity. Gal 4:9-10. Jer 10:1-5
- If you answered yes to number 1 and you are single, skip to number 7. 1 Cor 7:29
- I am willing to train my children to sit silently for four and one-half hours every Sunday. And for six hours a day, for three days in a row at seminars, instead of being with my family during the holidays. I understand that if I don't do this, I will suffer noticeable disapproval from my fellow members. And to be faithful and train my children. Prov 22:6
- I am willing to take my children in and out of meetings in order to discipline them should they make noise, or not lie down on command. I understand that if I fail to remove noisy children, I will be asked to do so by the doorkeepers. If I am not faithful to train my children, I understand that the meetings will not be restful, and that both my children and I may learn to dislike them. 1 Sam 3:13 Ezra 8:2
- I am willing to make sacrifices concerning my firstborn children, even if it may damage them for the sake of the Assembly, as many of the leaders have done. Matt 6:33 Matt 10:37-39
- I will remain living with my husband even if I am being beaten, especially if the ministry supports us. 1Cor 7:10 1Pet 3:6
- While I may not ever be asked to tithe, I understand that any money I do give will not be accounted for in any way. I agree that blindly putting money into a box, never to see it again, or find out who it went to or what it was spent on is being a good steward with the money God has given me. Luke 19:15 Luke 16:2,11
- I understand that I may have to live in a small, run down apartment complex in order to live near the meetings. I will not question, or wonder why I can not afford to live in the nice homes that the Full Time Workers live in, even though they are supported through my tithes and offerings. 1Cor 4:12-13
- I will not complain if I must drive old, unreliable cars. I will not complain that the Full Time Workers have nice cars, even if have as many as 6, or they are custom, and/or classic cars. When I must pay a large bill to fix my car on a Mission and Training Team, I will not question or wonder why the Full Time Workers have nice vehicles and do not need to pay for maintenance and repairs. 1 Tim 5:17
- I will pay my taxes and obey every law that does not contradict God's law, because it is honoring to God to do so. Rom 13:1-7
- I may be exempt from number 10 should I ever become a Full Time Worker. I understand that Full Time Workers may not pay tax on what they receive from The Lord's Treasury. Rom 13:1-7
- I agree that children are the same as slaves, as Galatians 4:1 states, and will treat them as such.
- I will maintain a superior attitude about The Assembly at all times. 1 Cor 1:12-13 Luke 18:11
- I promise to lie about, cover-up and excuse the actions of my superiors in The Assembly if it seems to be the proper thing to do. Joshua 2:2-6
- I will slander and be a false witness against those who do not perform as in number 14, if it seems to be the proper thing to do.
- I understand that the leaders are like Moses and I am like the complaining Children of Israel. I agree that I will never complain about anything a leader does. 1 Cor 10:10 Heb 13:17
- If I ever become a leader, I promise to always side with my fellow leaders on all issues in order to "stand in unity." I may do this without respect for the truth. Eph 4:3 Eph 5:11-12
- I agree that George and Betty Geftakys, because they are the Lord's servants, have the sole authority to determine what is proper. I also agree that they may delegate this authority to any others whom they wish and that I must be subject to them as well. Should George or Betty revoke said delegation of authority, I will immediately stop deferring to and obeying any former bearer of Assembly authority. I will do this without regard to whether or not the former bearer of authority is communicating truth. Eph 4:11-16
- I will go on a series of fad diets if they are determined to be proper by Betty Geftakys. Heb 13:17
- I may be required to serve Betty by cooking and cleaning in the way she approves. I will also find babysitters for my children so that I may slice and juice large quantities of vegetables for her special diets. While I look forward to speaking with her for several minutes following my 2-hour shift, I understand that she is in no way obligated to speak to me. I will view this service as a privilege for me, not for her. 1 Thes 4:11 2 Thes 3:8 2 Thes 3:10-12
- I agree that Betty Geftakys knows the cause of almost every illness and the remedy may entail enemas, electric zappers, and strict dietary regimes. I will not entertain any thoughts to the effect that she is a crackpot, or slightly eccentric. I will believe that she is "almost a doctor." Heb 13:17
- Should I come to the conclusion that I am suffering unfairly, I will repeat certain clichés to myself. The following are acceptable clichés: "God knew this was going to happen. If He wanted to stop it, He could have." "I am going the way of the cross and identifying with Christ. He also suffered unjustly under Pilate." 1Pet 2:20-23 1Pet 1:6 Heb 13:17
- I understand that the leadership must approve of my choice of spouse. Heb 13:17
- Should I obtain such approval as outlined in number 23, I understand that birth control is never the best option. I understand that there are a few moderate leaders who might not be totally negative regarding birth control, but that the course of action that demonstrates real faith is to keep having children, even if physical danger may result. I agree that I should trust God for everything, and that birth control is a contrary position with regard to trust. Gen 1:28 Ps 127:5
- If I am a woman, and my husband wants many children, I must comply, even at the expense of my health. Eph 5:22 Col 3:18 Heb 13:17 1 Pet 3:1,6
- If I am a man, and I want to have a large family, I have the right to demand it from my wife. Furthermore, I agree that I may employ coercion and psychological pressure from the leadership in order to cause my wife to submit. Eph 5:22 Col 3:18 Heb 13:17 1 Pet 3:1,6
- I will not read books by Christian authors on the topic of cults or abusive churches. Phil 4:8-9 Rom 16:17
- I will not entertain any speech or writing from other Christians that is in any way critical of The Assembly's practices. Eph 4:3 Heb 13:17
- I will not listen to my conscience. 1 Tim 4:2 1 Cor 2:14
- I will let the leading brothers tell me what is good and acceptable. Rom 12:1-2
- I will seek approval from leadership for every decision. These include, but are not limited to; vacation, employment, and manner of dress and hair length, appropriate recreation, team sports, and appropriate movies. Heb 13:17
- I will not pierce my ears, or wear pierced earrings should they have been pierced prior to coming into fellowship.
- I will limit the amount of time I spend with non-Assembly members, especially my immediate family. I understand that such limitation is to avoid blurring of my Heavenly Vision. Matt 10:36
- (For sisters only) My husband will make all the decisions for me and my children, including, but not limited to: meeting attendance, MTT participation, breast feeding, home decoration, menus, grooming habits, weight, clothing, all aspects of finance, verbal expression, pregnancy, frequency of sexual intercourse, child-training and hospitality. I will not read Proverbs 31 in such a way that I think I have some authority or autonomy with regard to any of the above, or any other area not mentioned. Eph 5:22 Col 3:18 Heb 13:17 1 Pet 3:1,6
- (For brothers only) I will make all the decisions in my home as directed by the leadership and expressed in counsel, couples meetings and approved books and pamphlets. I will not do anything my way, unless it is deemed acceptable and proper by the leadership. I understand that certain decisions may have to be approved directly by George, or someone to whom he has delegated certain authority. These include, but are not limited to: Where I will live, who I will live with, where I will work, what meetings I will attend and what changes I must make, in any area of my life in order to please the leaders. In the event that I am faithfully obeying the leaders, and making all the decisions in my home and something should go wrong, I will hold the leaders harmless and blame any trouble on others, especially my wife. I Tim 2:14
- I will not visit other churches. John 4: 22-24 Heb 12:22
- My family comes second to The Assembly. Matt. 10:37
- I will attend all of the weekly meetings. If for some reason I don't call to let them know I am sick, I will receive a " friendly" call to ask where I was .Heb 10:25
- I must forgive the leadership of any wrongdoing even if they won't repent. 1 John 1:10
- I will remain secretive with regard to all of the above and not share it with anyone prior to his or her demonstrating clear and unreserved commitment to The Assembly.
If you have read, understood and agree with all the above rules and requirements, You will be entering the Geftakys Assembly more informed than I did. Please understand though, that if for some reason you should fall short regarding these rules then you may not be asked to partake in the Lord's Supper and/or may be subjected to public rebuke and shame.
Copyright © 2002 Rick Ross.
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