A racketeering conspiracy, sex cult allegations, financial crimes and fraud? Anyone familiar with the first season of the investigative podcast series “Escaping NXIVM” will know that all of these crimes were committed by one group that rose and fell within roughly two decadesm between 1998 and 2021.
If this is the first time you’ve heard about NXIVM, strap in for an intriguing true crime story filled with sadistic characters who terrorized women and destroyed families for financial gain and manipulative power.
A Brief Overview of the NXIVM’s Belief System
Before the organization fell into the realm of cult or secret society, NXIVM was known for its executive success programs that attracted over 3,700 participants by 2003. High-ranking members included minor celebrities, wealthy businesspeople and close connections of influential political figures.
In truth, the NXIVM group was a pyramid scheme orchestrated by a dangerous leader named Keith Raniere, who relished the opportunity to make each follower a victim in one way or another.
Who Is Keith Raniere?
Raniere founded the “personal development” company with Nancy Salzman in 1998. Under the guise of a self-improvement resource, Raniere’s method quickly evolved into classic “cult of personality” tactics as he built a loyal following and began isolating individual participants from their families and support groups.
Raniere made fantastic hagiographical claims that he was gifted with superhuman intellect and sexual powers. Followers were required to follow strict regimens and offer tributes to Raniere, who required utmost loyalty and submission.
Several investigators, journalists and an FBI/New York State Police task force brought Raniere to face justice at a federal court trial. On October 27, 2020, Raniere was found guilty of multiple counts of racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking, landing him a 120-year prison term.
3 Major NXIVM Allegations
Following a multi-department investigation, Raniere and several other former members were convicted of engaging in criminal activity in the following categories.
1. Forced Labor Conspiracy
The proverbial straw that broke NXIVM’s back and led to the organization’s downfall was the March 2018 indictment of the forced labor conspiracy. After this crime came to light, the remaining dominos began falling around Raniere’s life.
2. Sex Trafficking Conspiracy
Sexual exploitation and coercion were at the heart of most of the group’s criminal activity. Many female followers were groomed and forced to have sex with Raniere, often coupled with a sadistic branding ritual.
3. Wire Fraud Conspiracy
Money laundering, identity theft and visa fraud were other vital arms of the organization’s control over lower-tier followers. Many later members were intimidated to relinquish their savings and assets to the group’s leaders.
8 Notorious NXIVM Members
These high-ranking members were eventually tried and brought to justice for their crimes.
1. Edgar Boone
Boone played a vital role in Raniere’s hope for expanding NXIVM institutions all over the world. Boone was the descendant of a wealthy Mexican family and held a prestigious position in the organization for successfully recruiting other wealthy Central American families.
2. Clare Bronfman
Not only was Clare Bronfman found guilty of harboring illegal immigrants and the fraudulent use of identities, but she also encouraged many of NXIVM’s top members to commit identity theft. On September 30, 2020, she was sentenced to six years and nine months in federal prison.
3. Nicki Clyne
Although the former “Battlestar Galactica” star was not found guilty like other high-ranking defendants, there are many twists and turns in her life story that warrant further investigation. Some of the strangest facts include her fake marriage to Allison Mack and her nightly dance sessions outside the Brooklyn detention center where Raniere was held.
4. Allison Mack
The American actress, known for her role in the early 2000s hit television series “Smallville,” was one of the most notable coconspirators of the sex trafficking ring within the organization. Mack was arrested on April 20, 2018, and sentenced to three years in prison.
5. Nancy Salzman
NXIVM cofounder Nancy Salzman was a psychiatric nurse-turned-hypnotist who pioneered many of the manipulative initiation strategies of the organization. She pleaded guilty to the racketeering conspiracy in March 2019, spent five years in prison and was released in March 2024.
6. Lauren Salzman
Lauren Salzman pleaded guilty and testified with other former members against Raniere for a reduced sentence and non-prison punishments.
7. Kathy Russell
Russell was one of 14 associates named in the follow-up 2020 civil case filed in the United States Court for the Eastern District of New York. The indictments focused on these high-ranking members putting initiates through clandestine psychological experimentation and several forms of abuse.
8. Emiliano Salinas
This venture capitalist and son of the former president of Mexico was an integral component to the financial and human-trafficking component of the NXIVM organization.