20 years after Ruby Ridge siege, extremists are fewer in northern Idaho but still remain
Aryan Brotherhood arsonist gets 37-plus years prison time
Europe's radical right focuses on fighting Islam
Extremists have been busy 2011 in Pacific Northwest
Groups say more white supremacists flowing into Flathead Valley
Hungary arrests the 'most wanted living Nazi'
Modern hate groups run 'silent and deep'
Montana's Flathead Valley Sees Influx Of Extremist Groups
North Carolina Democrats disown 'racist' state candidates
Southern Poverty Law Center names Anoka-Hennepin parents group to hate list; group decries 'name calling'
Waging a One-Man War on American Muslims
'My work is done,' says Nazi hunter
6 Linked to a Patriot Group Guilty in Banking and Tax Case
A Racist On the Rise
Agents take aim at hate groups: Gang label may be applied
Anti-Semitic preacher gets attention, fear
Anti-Semitism Increasing, Study Warns
Charges dismissed for three Stoughton residents who spread KKK fliers
Computer: Hate on the Web attracts attention
County targets 17 on bogus checks
Domestic Terrorism: the FBI view
Duke in sheep's clothing
Duke's Decline
Ernst Zundel denies role in Holocaust
Extremists applaud attacks
Far-Right Recruiting Drive
FBI and CIA Suspect Domestic Extremists
FBI Data Miss Hate Crimes, Watchdog Group Says
Federal investigators infiltrate extremist groups
Feds focusing on hate groups
Former Walnut Creek Man Murdered in Apparent Hate Crime
Graying Black Panthers Fight Would-Be Heirs
Group claims whites victims
Group promotes secession from U.S.
Hate group member named in killings
Hate groups applaud terror attacks, watch reaction warily
Hate groups targeting Utah teens
Hate spreading in America
Health show stands by anti-Semite
Hearing of man accused of setting fire continued
High-Decibel Hate
Holocaust denier expelled from Warsaw book fair
House burns after standoff
In Utah, a Government Hater Sells a Germ-Warfare Book
Ind. Museum Founder Vows to Rebuild
Intolerance in Northern Ireland: Religion, and Now Race
Italy university closes campus to block French professor who denies Nazi gas chambers
Jim Crow Museum Promotes Tolerance
Mainstream Sites Serve as Portals to Hate
Man will serve 9 months in jail for cross burning
Member's Racist Ties Split Confederate Legacy Group
Missouri Citizen Education Fund Researcher Cites Ashcroft 'Ties to
Neo-Nazis, Foes Clash At Israeli Embassy
Northwest Hate Groups Lose Prominence
Nurturing Justice Or Cashing In?
Others hate crime victims
Our home-grown Hitlers
Panthers push to protect legacy
Police act on growing race-hate groups
Police Agencies Crack Down on Hate Crimes
Race-hate preacher is deported from Britain
Recipes for Hate
Report notes rise in anti-Semitism, but blurs question of responsibility
Riefenstahl dies at 101; tainted by link to Hitler
Rightwing religions: where do they come from?
Russia Struggles to Contain Hate Crimes
South African Court Told of Plot for Coup and Ouster of Blacks
State Senate candidate to explain racist opinions on talk radio show
Study: Hate Groups Play on Fears
SurfControl Reports Unprecedented Growth in Hate and Violence Sites During First Four Months of 2004
Task Force Thwarts Prison Gang's Growing Reach
Tax militant found guilty
Tenn. Retiree Wins Confederate Post
Texas Governor Signs Hate Crimes Bill
The Heart of Whiteness
The new victims of hate
The Passion: Mel's cross to bear
The seven-stage hate model: The psychopathology of hate groups
The Women Behind the Masks of Hate
Threat from within: Origins of Domestic Terrorism
Traditions on the line
U.S. Extremists, Terror Groups Eyed
U.S. Hate Groups Seen As Bioterror Suspects
US white supremacist to be imprisoned for fraud
Victims Say Racism on Rise After Nationalist Elections
White Power and Al Qaeda Unite Against America
White supremacist groups demonstrate in front of SPLC
Wyo. radical taking his 'rights' to the extreme
'Lone wolves' line up to take hate mission underground
Anti-bigotry measure defeated after contentious House debate
Bombings Target London Minorities
Excuses for racism
New tactic to curb hate groups: the courts
U.S. Group Reports Sharp Rise In Web Hate Sites
Was Russian Jewish center aided by BACJRR torched?
'I Am Nakoula': Anti-Islam Moviemaker Now Cult Hero
"Patriot" Hate Groups In D.C. On The Rise
2 Mesa groups identified in report on hate
Campaigner against hate crimes killed in Moscow
Children of the Reich tell of shame at being related to Hitler's men
Cortlandt cross burner back in jail; linked by authorities to hate groups
Costa Blanca's hidden Nazis
David Irving's Book Tour Hits Phoenix Diner, Anarchists Protest Gathering of Neo-Nazis
Europe's Right Wing: A Nation-By-Nation Guide to Political Parties and Extremist Groups
Exhibit explores how Hitler taught a nation to hate
Extremists finding fertile ground in Northwest US
Former Terrorists and Neo-Nazis Get Their Own Social Network
German Outpost Born of Racism in 1887 Blends Into Paraguay
German police search homes in raid on far-right
German social networks wage virtual war on rightists
Hollywood conservative unmasked as notorious Holocaust revisionist
In history of radical politics, KC researcher connects dots
Jewish 'Terrorist' Held Over Hate-Crime Spree
Leaked e-mails embarrass German far-right party
Montebello man, 18, wearing KKK, Nazi shirt charged with attacking Hispanic teen
Obama election spurs wave of hate group violence
Official: Home-grown terrorists more a threat than Islamic radicals
Radio Host Is Convicted for Comments on Judges
Rebranding Hate in the Age of Obama
Rebuffing Scholars, Germany Vows to Keep Hitler Out of Print
Records show feds used ultra-right radio host for years
Self-Proclaimed 'Anti-American Terrorist' Arrested
Social factors, not political ideology, lead to extremism
Teenager convicted of ultra rightwing terror plot
US 'hate groups' bolstered by Obama's election
White Wolves called 'home grown terrorists'
White-power movement is hiding among us
Hate Groups General Information
'They Chose Me'
"'Jews for Allah'... goal to surpass Jews for Jesus"
$100,000 reward for Mississippi's infamous Civil Rights murders
A kinder, gentler racism
A Web of White Power
Activists Seek Action in '46 Lynching
An unholy alliance
Austrian court frees Holocaust denier Irving
Bakersfield girl band: Cute Klux Klan
Barbour, others chided for speaking before CCC
Calif. Woman Admits Nazi Link
Church called a 'hate group'
Co-owner of white power record label arrested on drug charge
David Irving: An anti-Semitic racist who has suffered financial ruin
Detroit lynching exhibit documents century of violence, elicits reactions
Experts Warn of Future Timothy McVeighs
Five Md. Cases of Racist Graffiti Linked
Gene tests prove that we are all the same under the skin
German Activist Ernst Zundel Gets 5 Years for Denying Holocaust
Gibson linked to Holocaust deniers
Hate Crime
Irving jailed for 3 years after denying Holocaust
Justice: Battling the Aryan Brothers
Ku Klux Klan logo used on party website
Maintaining a handle on hate groups, cults
My son the little race hate foot-soldier
Prejudice forms a new line between east and west
Profile: David Irving
Race, fear collide in campaign
Report: Hate groups use U.S. Net servers
San Diego County is one of the top producers of racists
Since Oklahoma City, extremist groups wane but remain threats
State Department tells Congress anti-Semitism is on the rise
Teen Just Wanted Attackers to Stop
Teens are often hate recruits
The anti-Jewish lie that refuses to die
Man Gets 39 Years for Firebombing Temple
Nazi archive sheds new light on vast network of concentration camps
Russian racism 'out of control'
The pro-white gangs spreading race hate across Australia
2 Self-Proclaimed 'Boogaloo Bois' Charged With Conspiring To Work With Foreign Terrorists
A 23 year old was arrested for gun possession It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult
Active club hate groups are growing in the US and making themselves seen
ADL asks GOP leader to quit conservative group
Anti-Muslim hate groups on rise
Apocalypse Soon
Capitol attack reflects US extremist evolution over decades
Churches Burning
Court Upholds Hate Speech Gag
Crowdfunding hate: How white supremacists and other extremists raise money from legions of online followers
Domestic terrorism: the FBI view
Encyclopedia of hate: A look at the neo-Nazi militant movements with roots in Canada
FBI arrests Boogaloo extremist group member in Pomona after gun sales meeting in Murrieta
FBI hate crime data is spotty
Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio gets 22 years in prison for 6 January Capitol riots
From Southern California to Charlottesville, local hate group extends reach and fists
Germany arrests 4 over bid to revive banned far-right group
Gunman 'seemed mad at the world'
Gunman Said Wanted To Be Famous
Hampstead man, member of 'Boogaloo Bois,' pleads guilty to federal terrorism charges
Hate crimes rose sharply in 2017, FBI report says
Hate group preacher, treasurer accused of embezzling $5.3 million
Hate Groups and Extremists Visitor Comments
Hate Groups Are Getting Millions Through Raleigh-Based Fidelity's Nonprofit Charity Fund
Hate groups face sweeps by police
Hate groups seek to recruit through Internet
Hate Groups Target Children and Women Online, Report Says
Hate Has Regional Roots – and Regional Differences, Study Finds
Hate-Driven Web Sites To Be Studied
Hate.com expands on the net
Hatred in high places
High priest who ran racist online cult unmasked as delivery driver
Hitler's Children
House of Commons passes motion to designate Proud Boys a terrorist entity
How Charlottesville exposed digital hate groups
How far right uses video games and tech to lure and radicalise teenage recruits
How the Evil Began, and How It Spread
How the Proud Boys became America's most prominent hate group
I was radicalised by the far right aged 15
In US, death threats for those removing Confederate statues
Inside the Alliance Defending Freedom, the 'gay-hate' group hosting Tony Abbott
Inside the secretive Black Hebrew Israelite sect of Harlem, linked to Monsey stabber
Inside YouTube's Far-Right Radicalization Factory
Islamists get longer jail terms than far-right extremists
Jim Keegstra, notorious Canadian Holocaust denier, dead at 80
Judge tosses lawsuit over law center's hate group labels
Leader of New England hate group facing civil charges for racist display in Portsmouth
Man Charged With Hate Crime In Iowa Beating
Man on a mission sues Aryan Nations
MasterCard says it will cease doing business with hate groups
Mendocino County Proud Boy sentenced to 7 years in federal prison for 'ghost guns'
Midwest Gunman Who Shot 11 Had Engaged in Acts of Racism at 2 Universities
No Signs of Hate Groups in New York, Mayor Says
OSU student charged with hate crimes
Proud Boy Alan Swinney Arrested on Charges of Assault and Unlawful Use of a Weapon
Proud Boy settles case, admits assault during protest
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack; allegedly met Oath Keepers head in DC parking garage
Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in January 6 case
Proud Boys leader sentenced to more than 5 months in jail for burning BLM banner and bringing high-capacity rifle magazines to DC
Proud Boys leader Tarrio charged with sedition for role in U.S. Capitol attack
Proud Boys Ordered To Pay More Than $1 Million for Racially-Motivated Attack on Historically Black Church
Racial Slayer Killed Himself in Struggle
Scholar studies why we hate
Self-proclaimed Nazi found guilty of stirring antisemitism in UK
Shooting Suspect's Church Criticized
Study of YouTube comments finds evidence of radicalization effect
Suspect Sought in Shooting Spree Said to Kill Self
The four reasons people commit hate crimes
The fringe ideology of constitutional sheriffs is attracting believers within Texas law enforcement
The Online Spaces That Enable Mass Shooters
The UK Government has announced a full asset freeze against Blood and Honour
They were once extremists. Now, they're trying to prevent hate.
Threat From Within
Top anti-gay law firm officially designated as hate group
Two Outcomes, Similar Paths: Radical Muslim and Neo-Nazi
Tyler Watkins Davis: Former white supremacist found guilty of beating black man at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville
U.S. Charges 'Hate Group' Leader in Death Threats
U.S. hate groups hard to track
UAlbany professor on a thread that links conspiracy theories
UN: Third Committee hears of dangers of 'modern racism and hatred' found on Internet web sites
US sees white supremacist propaganda jump to alltime high ADL
What hate groups are active in Alabama?
What To Do If You Suspect Your Teen Is Getting Radicalized Online
What triggered white supremacist to violence?
White supremacist leader says his law battle set off shooter
Why do people join hate groups? Former members explain
Witness for the Persecution
YouTube continues to push dangerous videos to users susceptible to extremism, white supremacy, report finds
YouTube radicalized the Christchurch shooter, New Zealand report concludes