Former Members and Families
Yogaville much like a convent, visitor says Yoga master murdered 200 mourn slaying victim "I could have been brainwashed...think twice before attending Yogaville..." "Conflicting Yogaville" Manipulation "subtle" at Yogaville and IYI "IYI and Yogaville are very dangerous traps" Free Speech - Web Accusations Irk Yogaville Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Institute, Yogaville -- A Survivor's Story Larry Gross's claims Letter to Friends of Integral Yoga Institute Extra TV: Family at War Integral Yoga Institute - Yogaville: A Father's Story Larry Gross - Yogaville Trademark Application - Page 1 of 3 Larry Gross - Yogaville Trademark Application - Page 2 of 3 Larry Gross - Yogaville Trademark Application - Page 3 of 3 An Agreement - required to meet with a family member Larry Gross letter to Rick Ross Larry Gross Response to Swami Asokananda Marriage in Yogaville Audiotape Recording of Yogaville Meeting Ex-Followers Say Swami Demanded Sexual Favors Yoga Guru Devotees Rally To His Support Swami Is Silent On Interruption "Not The Appropriate Place" Swami's Former Followers Say He Demanded Sexual Favors Swami's Ex-Followers Make Sex Complaints An Open Letter
Legal Action? Threats from Yogaville
Satchidananada Ashram - Integral Yoga Institute v. Domain Administrator No serenity in Yogaville Yogaville Legal Action: Larry Gross Yogaville Legal Action: David Barrett Yogaville Legal Action: Gary Kissiah
Yogaville Businesses
Tax Status of Integral Yoga businesses Airport Ownership and Management from official FAA records Satchidananda Charity Funds -- Larry Gross, registered agent Yogaville Volunteer Fire Department -- Larry Gross, registered agent Integral Yoga Distribution, Inc. -- Larry Gross, registered agent Integral Yoga School, Inc. -- Larry Gross, registered agent Integral Yoga Enterprises, Inc. -- Larry Gross, registered agent Integral Health Center, Inc. -- Larry Gross, registered agent Satchidananda Charity Funds, Inc. -- Larry Gross, Secretary Larry Gross -- Letter of Resignation Integral Yoga Distribution Inc. Integral Yoga Enterprises Inc. Integral Yoga Health Center Inc. Integral Yoga Institute Inc. Integral Yoga School Inc. Yogaville Volunteer Fire Department Inc. Satchidananda Charity Funds Inc. IRS Records -- Exempt Organizations Integral Yoga Institute Inc. -- Officers/Directors Integral Yoga Distribution Inc. -- Officers/Directors Satchidananda Charity Funds Inc. -- Officers/Directors
Historical Background
Detractors: 2nd Snider target runs cult retreat Yogaville much like a convent, visitor says Yoga master murdered 200 mourn slaying victim Guru's past: Yogaville visit opens old wounds Death claims girl-crazy guru Church concerned at yoga master's visit DKNY Accused of Cult Advertising Non-Profit Status: Yogaville, Integral Yoga Institute - IRS Filings 1999 Excerpts from the book--regarding Satchidananda, Integral Yoga and Yogaville Satchidananda's Yoga Ashram Caught up In A New Controversy Donna Karan's favorite Swami Donna Karan and DKNY promote a "cult"? Om Improvement - Yogaville Swami Dedicates $2 Million Temple in Va. Teens Who Live At Yogaville Say They're Not So Different Hundreds Mark Birthday of Integral Yoga's Leader Swami Denies Having Sex with Followers Swami Loses Disciples Yogaville's taxes questioned
Celebrities and Swami Satchidananda
Vanity Fair's Star Quality; Editor Celebrates Hollywood and Advertisers Applaud Scan of Donna Karan insert promoting Yogaville (Large image) Hundreds Mark Birthday of Integral Yoga's Leader The inside story on Uma Pemmaraju's latest career move Reception Held for Va. Congressman Into The Night Peter Max
Swami Asokananda, President of Yogaville |
Swami Satchidananda 1914-2002, founder |