Outrageous Betrayal
Outrageous Betrayal The Dark Journey of Werner Erhard from est to Exile, by Steven Pressman
Reports and Articles
The Return of Werner Erhard, Father of Self-Help
News Summary: Café Gratitude says Landmark Education training is part of its "culture"
Ben Carson Hired a Magic-Loving, Castle-Owning, Crisis-Management "Fireman" to Plot His 2016 Bid
How 'The Wiz' was inspired by a mysterious 'cult'
Alberta Health Services hired 'coach' to implement Landmark ideology AHS employee complaint over Landmark seminars sparks review
Alberta Health Services staff pressured to attend controversial seminars
Landmark Education targeting Indians with its overpriced courses
Lunch with the FT: Werner Erhard Department chops $80,000 'charisma' seminar "Aggressive Lawsuits" Forcing Café Gratitude to Close All NorCal Locations, L.A. Restaurant Not Affected General Tso, Meet Steven Covey The Magus News Summary: "60 Minutes" broadcast about Werner Erhard Café Est? 42 Hours, $500, 65 Breakdowns: My lost weekend with the trademark happy, bathroom-break hating, slightly spooky inheritors of est "Landmark Education" Background Briefing The Landmark debate My Landmark Experience Bondage Boss is bad seed: Suit Suit Against Sperm-Bank Firm Claims Sexual Harassment and Cult-Like Behavior Defence Dept under fire over professional development spending Defence workers trained by 'cult' Defence sends staff on 'cult' courses We pay for seminars Questions over Tory forum The untold story of Lululemon New school to open amid high hopes Stress fear in $700 child forum Characteristics of participants in the Forum, psychotherapy clients, and control participants: A comparative study --The British Psychological Society Tuition expenses probed The Cult of Fashion With the gurus wearing neckties Defending Your Life Fears as 'life-change' firm recruits in Brum Weekend Miracle or Unknown Risk? French Documentary Transcript: "Voyage to the Land of the New Gurus" France 3 documentary: "Voyage to the Land of the New Gurus" I thought I'd be brainwashed. But how wrong could I be... Turn up, tune in, transform? A Landmark Encounter A Landmark subculture through the Internet? Controversial organization assigns participants community work Old EST bigger than ever IRS refuses to release information about alleged government spending on celebrity guru's courses Chancellor Says Transformation, Biologists Say Mumbo-Jumbo Is the IRS paying the bill for employees to take a celebrity guru's seminars? 'Transformation' in a Weekend? 'Not woman we knew' Gilliland's effort to revamp UMKC well under way Brain Wash Mindbreakers Pay Money, Be Happy Landmark Training 'Cost Me My Job' Landmark: Come and See for Yourself Controversial Training Funded by Taxpayers Landmark Session Leads to Counseling Crown Health Spends $20,000 on Staff 'Therapy' Case in Point Head Shrinker Wills' Chile leader is in "brainwashing" sect Drive-thru Deliverance The First Step Microsoft Paid For Culty Clinics In the grip of the therapy tough-guys The Tupperware trade in happiness Victims Lured Into Baring Their Souls By Mind Games Professionals Fall Prey To New Age Gurus The Forum: Cult or comfort? Soul Training A Harvard Forum For Self-Promotion? The Con-Forumists Do you believe in Miracles? Response to Quest Magazine Article Green Party detects a scandal in hall rental Soul Strip Tease The Best Of Est? The est of Friends Landmark Education: Experience, Investigation, Research & Analysis Why We Love Gurus The est in the business True Believers When it comes to Landmark Education Corporation, There's no meeting of the Minds. White collar cults, they want your mind ... Mind game courses aimed at public sector workers New Age Guru Goes into Hiding Abstracts of Articles in Psychological Journals concerning est and The Forum
Labor Violations Investigations
2006 Landmark Labor Violation Investigations Texas Landmark Education Labor Violations in California U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Dallas, Texas assigned U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: Erhard v IRS 1996 Landmark Labor Violation Investigations Colorado U.S. Department of Labor investigation of Landmark Education in Denver, Colorado report completed
Employee sued vegan Cafe Gratitude over alleged labor violations
Goldman v 21st Century Democrats summary info
Goldman v 21st Century Democrats errata
Goldman v 21st Century Democrats complaint
Goldman v 21st Century Democrats civil cover sheet
Mother of slain mailman sues alleged killer, company 2006 December Weed Landmark Publication Notice Settlement Agreement Letter to Edmund Choy Self-Help Group Backs Off Attack on Internet Critic Landmark Forum's Internet Censorship Campaign Goes Down Under Cease and Desist Letter Google faces legal challenges over video service Draft Motion to Quash Landmark Subpoena EFF and Landmark: Cards on the Table Landmark and the Internet Archive Bogus Copyright Claim Squelches Free Speech, EFF Claims The Cult Cracker Landmark Education suffers humiliating legal defeat in New Jersey Federal Court Landmark Education lawsuit likely to become another landmark for freedom of information on the Internet
The Landmark Education Litigation Archive: with an Introduction by Rick Ross's Attorneys
Landmark v. Ross - Pleadings Complaint Answer
Landmark v. Ross - Landmark Discovery Applications
Letter Application for Protective Order
Letter Application to Discover Identities of Anonymous Users Letter from Berkman Center for Internet & Society to Judge Falk
Landmark v. Ross - Motion to Dismiss
Landmark R41 Motion
Brief Schreiber Declaration Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L Exhibit M Lerner Declaration Memorandum and Order Granting Landmark's Motion to Dismiss
Letters to Court re Voluntary Dismissal
Letter from Lans to J.Falk
4-1-05 Letter Exhibits A to F Letter from Skolnik to J.Falk Letter Exhibits
Ross Discovery Application Ross Moving Papers Letter_to_J.Falk Exhibits
Landmark Opp Papers
Letter to J. Falk
Landmark Sur-Reply Letter to Falk & Schreiber Declaration
Transcript of Oral Argument and Magistrate's Decision
Misc. Documents 1999 Letter from Schreiber to Ross 1999 Letter Response from Ross to Schreiber 2000 Landmark minutes authorizing lawsuit against Ross 2002 Landmark minutes re litigation against Ross AFF letter to M. Leaf Agreement and related papers documenting Werner Erhard's sale of assets
Landmark Litigation
Landmark Lawsuits Cult Awareness Network Complaint Second Amended Complaint Supp. Exhibit to Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint Memorandum of Law in Support of Kisser Motion for SJ Resolution of CAN Board Settlement Agreement with CAN Statement of Cynthia Kisser Docket
Doe Doe I file.Complaint, Voluntary Dismissal and other Docs Doe II file.Complaint and Voluntary Dismissal
Elle Magazine Landmark Education Corp. Sues Elle Magazine for Libel
Complaint Opinion Granting Motion to Dismiss
Garvey Notice with Summons
NOW Magazine Notice of Libel Notice of Discontinuance Apology
Pressman Pressman Complaint
Pressman Motion to Strike and Demurrer
Pressman Memo in Support of Motion to Strike Pressman Memo in Support of Demurrer Landmark Opposition to Motion to Strike Landmark Opposition to DemurrerPDF Pressman Reply Papers
Landmark Motion for Continuance
Landmark Motion Pressman Opposition Landmark Reply Order Transcript of November 18, 1997 Proceedings Order 2
Landmark Motion to Compel Answers to Deposition Questions
Landmark Motion Pressman Opposition Pressman Declaration Alexander Declaration Landmark Reply Order Landmark Motion for Sanctions
Landmark Motion Pressman Opposition Alexander Declaration Landmark Reply Docket
Self Magazine Complaint Answer Brief in Support of Defendants' Motion for SJ Brief in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for SJ Reply Brief in Further Support of Defendants' Motion for SJ Opinion Denying SJ Confidentiality Order Notice of Appeal Settlement Agreement Stipulation of Dismissal Docket
Singer Special Motion to Strike Singer Special Motion to Strike Singer declaration Exh J to Singer decl Jalich declaration Jahss declaration Declaration of Stephen Pressman in support of special motion to strike Order denying defendant's special motion to strikeNew York Complaint California Complaint Settlement Agreement Landmark's Singer statement Stip. for protective order re confidentiality Docket
Lawsuits Filed Against Landmark Been v. Weed Landmark Education defendant in wrongful death lawsuit Third Amended Petition Plaintiff's Response to Defendant Landmark Mtn Dismiss Plntf Plaintiff's Response to Defendant Landmark Mtn Interlocutory Been v. Weed Final Judgment Been v. Weed Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion to Vacate Entry of Judgment Case Information: JEANNE BEEN as Next of Friend of ROBERT JENKINS, Deceased, Plaintiff, v. JASON M WEED, Defendant, and LANDMARK EDUCATION CORPORATION, Defendant.
Ney Opinion of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Quigley Complaint Order denying reconsideration and transferring to arbitration Docket
Personal Stories
"Heartbroken...because the man I've been in love with...swallowed by Landmark Forum." "Landmark...IS brainwashing" My Journey into Wonderland and how I woke up to find I was in Hell "Concerned about the motives of this for-profit business" Man with Ph.D. earns $7.87 per hour at Landmark Education as "life coach" Reno man called kin after judge was shot "The hook for me was the trust in my new girlfriend" "I thought the group is harmful and negative and cult-like" Landmark Forum…just the latest version of the Wild West Medicine Show An Indian Landmark Graduate prays "that not many people fall into their trap" "They charged a lot of money for the ‘racket’ they operate" "Landmark was the first and only thing that has ever threatened our relationship" "I just want others to know there is risk involved" A Sunday dropout "I simply moved on" "Thank goodness, my family did not wait" "I remain baffled" "This cannot be healthy emotionally" "I lost my best friend" "Is it possible to have a relationship with someone in Landmark?" "I 'GOT IT.' How many times do you have to 'GET IT'?" "I hate Landmark for taking my best friend" "Landmark itself is a racket" "My friends like I, are the target audience" "I am firing you as my coach for empowerment" "A large room full of 'Gold Tags'" "Landmark ruined a good friend" "Out of Control"? "Landmark Education won't be seeing me or my money again" Hard Sales Pitch From the Forum to the hospital Landmark is not education Walked out of a "Forum" during its second day "Nothing has changed" "Almost sucked into going to an introductory meeting" "Emotionally hooked to a never ending process of introspection and self-analysis" "I felt awful for ages!" "The guilt-pitch" Landmark Education destroyed my life--from the Forum to a psych ward The people seem so sincere and really believe what they are saying "Not interested in people--but only money" "Big Brother was indeed watching" A "Quick Fix"? My Experience with Landmark Education The High Pressure Sales Pitch "I'm glad I did research before I got sucked into this thing" "Landmark Forum is a very aggressive and selfish program"
Special Reports
Religiosity Rejected: Exploring the Religio-Spiritual Dimensions of Landmark Education
Description of the Behavioral Structure of the Training
Part 1--The process and ecology of the Forum Part 2--The Structure: First Sights Of The Forum Part 3--The Forum Begins: The Curriculum and Pedagogy Part 4--The Curriculum of The Forum Part 5--The Pedagogy of The Forum The Mary Polaski L Series
For additional information see The Forum and Est.

"Werner Erhard" also known as John Paul
Rosenberg, Jack Rosenberg, Jack Frost,
Werner Spits and Curt Wilhelm VonSavage