Washington Supreme Court docket (PDF Document) State of Washington v Thomas C Konopka (PDF Document) State of Washington v Mark Antony Martin (PDF Document) Bulletin from Church of Agape - Pastor Donald Lee Barnett State v George Thomas Baldick (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 16 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 15 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 14 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 13 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 12 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 11 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 10 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 9 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 8 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 7 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 6 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 5 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 4 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 3 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 2 (PDF Document) Kathy Butler v Community Chapel Volume 1 (PDF Document) Briana Haviland v Community Chapel Volume 2 (PDF Document) Briana Haviland v Community Chapel Volume 1 (PDF Document) Trial Court file RE Gary Lien v Community Chapel (PDF Document) Second opinion from the Washington Supreme Court in Barnett v Hicks 119 Wn2d 151 829 P2d 1087 May 21st 1992 (PDF Document) Wayne Snoey v. Community Chapel (PDF Document) Michael Ehrlich v. Community Chapel (PDF Document) Civil lawsuit by Maureen Jorgenson against Community Chapel and Donald Barnett (PDF Document) State of Washington v Richard Kempton Cole (PDF Document) Pastor Barnetts opening Appeal Brief (PDF Document) State of Washington v Robert P Howerton (PDF Document) Declaration of Beverly Ann Moore (PDF Document) Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Regarding status of Barnetts pastoral position entered on April 12th 1991 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 14 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 13 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 12 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 11 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 10 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 9 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 8 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 7 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 6 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 5 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 4 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 3 (PDF Document) Stipulation to Arbitration by Elders and Pastor Barnett January 23rd 1991 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 2 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Trial Transcript, Volume 1 (PDF Document) Barnett v Hicks - Index to Depositions (PDF Document) Declaration of David Motherwell 12 10 90 (PDF Document) Declaration of Donald Barnett 12 90 (PDF Document) Declaration of Donald Barnett 12 90 (PDF Document) Excerpts from the Deposition of Jack H. Dubois 11 14 90 (PDF Document) Deposition Upon Oral Examination of Jack H. Dubois (PDF Document) Deposition of David Motherwell, Volume 1 (PDF Document) Declaration of Donald Barnett 9 26 1990 (PDF Document) Minutes of Senior elder meetings dated 12 22 88 4 3 89 10 12 89 9 17 90 & 9 25 90 (PDF Document) Agreement for Arbitration by Eldership and Pastor Barnett September 1990 (PDF Document) Docket from Washington Supreme Court (PDF Document) Docket from WA Court of Appeals Division I (PDF Document) First opinion from the Washington Supreme Court in Barnett v Hicks 114 Wn2d 879 792 P2d 150 June 14th 1990 (PDF Document) State Might Lose Desired Training Site Church Campus is Likely Site for New Police Training Center Washington Supreme Court Opinion in State v Motherwell 114 Wn2d 353 788 P2d 1066 3 22 90 (PDF Document) Clergy Exempt from Reporting Child Abuse, High Court Rules Brief of Respondent Donald Barnett (PDF Document) Respondents Community Chapels brief (PDF Document) State of Washington v Michael R. Cardwell (PDF Document) Published Opinion from the Washington Court of Appeals in Gary Lien v Community Chapel 58 Wn App 680 794 P2d 865 1990 (PDF Document) Appellants opening brief (PDF Document) Reply Brief of Pastor Barnett (PDF Document) State of Washington v Darrel Lloyd Wright (PDF Document) Response Brief of Community Chapel (PDF Document) Pastor Barnetts opening appeal brief (PDF Document) American Casualty v Community Chapel Volume 5 (PDF Document) Burien Church to Auction Equipment American Casualty v Community Chapel Volume 4 (PDF Document) Second order Granting elders motion for Summary Judgment December 16th 1988 (PDF Document) Order dissolving Temporary Restraining Orders December 16th 1988 (PDF Document) Order dissolving Restraining order 12 16 88 (PDF Document) Excerpts from the Depositions of Jack H Dubois 11 14 90 & 12 6 88 (PDF Document) Order Granting the Elders first motion for Summary Judgment November 30th 1988 (PDF Document) Declaration of Donald Barnett 11 29 1988 (PDF Document) Judgment on Jury Verdict Gabrielson v Community Chapel 11 23 88 (PDF Document) Declaration of Majorie Brugman (PDF Document) Declaration of Donald Barnett 11 9 88 (PDF Document) Parishioner is awarded $130,000 Motion to compel deposition testimony of Jack A. Hicks (PDF Document) Sex advances by pastor alleged American Casualty v Community Chapel Volume 3 (PDF Document) American Casualty v Community Chapel Volume 2 (PDF Document) Embattled pastor didn't admit '75 guilty plea, records show Deposition Upon Oral Examination of E. Scott Hartley (PDF Document) Disconnecting from a Church - Battered Christians search for life after Barnett Community Chapel (faltering on religious fringe) Chapel service reveals strengths, weaknesses of troubled church Deposition of David Motherwell April 20th 1988 (PDF Document) Elder Quits Chapel Post in 'Connections' Dispute Deposition of Mark Yokers April 19 1988 (PDF Document) Barnett Loses Bid to Escape Lawsuit -- Chapel Elders to Detail Their Sex Lives Insurance Firm Loses Bid to Avoid Role in Chuch Suit Deposition of Wyman Smalley April 13th 1988 (PDF Document) Deposition of Drake Pesce April 13th 1988 (PDF Document) Deposition of Scott Hartley April 12th 1988 (PDF Document) Deposition of Loren Krenelka April 6th 1988 (PDF Document) Deposition of John H Dubois April 6th 1988 (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 8th revision 4 6 88 (PDF Document) Affidavit of Debra J. Wenholz (PDF Document) Memo from Barnett to Melinda Erickson 3 30 88 (PDF Document) Community Chapel Elders Seek to Dissolve Church Judge Won't Change Venue in Pastor's Trial -- But Trial Date of Lawsuit Against Tacoma Minister is Delayed a Month, to May 18 Pastor Barnett -- State Should Keep out of Religious Activities Change of Venue Asked in Civil Suit Against Barnett Restraining Order Modified Barnett Troubles Obscure Success -- Friends and Critics Blame his Woes on Ego, Eccentricities Three Chapel Satellites Also Under Fire Suit Against Church and its Ex-Pastor is Settled Senior Elder Quits Posts with Church Temporary Restraining Order reinstating Pastor Barnett March 15th 1988 (PDF Document) Temporary Restraining order 3 15 88 (PDF Document) Barnett Still Hints at Future Firings Burien Pastor Object of Civil Suit as well -- Former Church Cites Stress, Unusual Loan Pastor Shies From Plan to Fire Staff at Chapel Church Heading Back to Court -- No Firings Yet in Divided Community Chapel Pastor Plans to Fire Staff, says Chapel Spokesman Rebuttal Declaration of Donald Barnett 3 11 88 (PDF Document) Pastor Reinstated for now at Chapel Elders memorandum in opposition to Barnetts request for Temporary Restraining Order March 10th 1988 (PDF Document) Deposition Upon Oral Examination of E. Scott Hartley (PDF Document) Deposition Upon Oral Examination of Jack Hicks (PDF Document) Pastor Barnetts motion for expedited depositions of Elders March 7th 1988 (PDF Document) A servant of God or a 'sick man'? Pastor Plans Court Challenge of Ouster -- If that Fails, Barnett says He'll Start a New Church Audio tape of rebuttal sermon by Barnett 3 6 88 (PDF Document) Transcript of rebuttal sermon by Barnett 3 6 88 (PDF Document) 'Embarrassment' Burien-Church Officials React to Pastor's Ouster Pastor Barnetts complaint for Judicial Reinstatement to Pastoral Position March 4th 1988 (PDF Document) Order on Barnetts emergency motion for reinstatement March 4th 1988 (PDF Document) Resolution by Senior Elders to amend bylaws 3 4 88 (PDF Document) Letter of disfellowship Senior Elders to Barnett 3 4 88 (PDF Document) Minutes of Senior Elders meeting 3 4 88 315 PM (PDF Document) Minutes of Senior Elders meeting 3 4 88 1020 AM (PDF Document) Articles of Amendment dated 3 4 88 (PDF Document) Letter from Motherwell to Barnett 3 4 88 (PDF Document) Letter of Disfellowship from full eldership to Don Barnett Dated 3 4 88 (PDF Document) Recommendation by Eldership that senior elders disfellowship Barnett 3 3 88 630 PM (PDF Document) Pastor Rebuked for 'Sexual Sin' Audio tape of sermon dated 2 28 88 (PDF Document) Transcript of Rebuttal Sermon by Barnett 2 28 88 (PDF Document) Letter from Motherwell to Barnett & Elders 2 26 88 (PDF Document) Letter from 12 elders to Barnett RE Special status 2 24 88 (PDF Document) Letter from Eldership to Barnett 2 24 88 (PDF Document) Special Status letter Senior Elders to Barnett 2 15 88 (PDF Document) Minutes from Senior Elder meeting 2 10 88 (PDF Document) Letter Jim Leach to Barnett & Senior Elders 2 8 88 (PDF Document) American Casualty v Community Chapel Volume 1 (PDF Document) Agreement with Donald Barnett RE Eldership Hearings 1 25 88 (PDF Document) Minutes of Sr Elders meetings & Steering Committee Meetings 1969-1988 (PDF Document) Letter Jim Leach to Barnet & Senior Elders 1 22 88 (PDF Document) Special Status Procedures & Polices (PDF Document) Balance Magazine Issue No 2 (PDF Document) Rules of deliberation for Eldership Hearings (PDF Document) Rules of protocol for Eldership Hearings (PDF Document) Two page note from Catreena Bingamen to Don Barnett (PDF Document) Draft guidelines for eldership hearing (PDF Document) Letter from Jerry Zwack to Senior Elders 12 23 87 (PDF Document) Memo from Jack Hicks RE Change in Disfellowship Polices dated 9 25 87 (PDF Document) Memo from Jerry Zwack RE change in disfellowship Polices 7 30 87 (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 7th revision various Amendments dated 1 28 86, 3 10 87, & 4 2 87 (PDF Document) Disfellowship procedures & Polices (PDF Document) Attorney General Letter to Barnett (PDF Document) Ministers Seek Ways to Help Former Chapel Members Burien Pastor's Doctrine is Deplored -- 'Most Grievous Thing,' Says Charismatic Elder Quits Chapel Post in 'Connections' Dispute Minister's Teachings Wrack Church -- 'Move of God' Linked to Divorces, Suicides, Alleged Murder of Child The Pastor who sets them dancing Articles of Faith & Bylaws 6th revision various Amendments dated 3 19 82, 1 21 85, 8 5 85, 10 28 85 (PDF Document) State of Washington v James Thomas Hutchison (PDF Document) Articles of Amendment 11 17 81 (PDF Document) Articles of Amendment 9 14 79 (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 5th revision 6 6 78 (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 3rd revision 9 23 75 (PDF Document) Guardianship lawsuit against Maureen Jorgenson RE moneys given to church (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 2nd revision 12 16 74 (PDF Document) Articles of Faith & Bylaws 1st revision 9 9 69 (PDF Document) Original Articles of Incorporation, 11-2-67 (PDF Document) Original Articles of Faith & Bylaws 10 18 67 (PDF Document)
 Pastor Donald Barnett (far left) with members of Community Chapel |